any formal declaration-of my sentiments’ till' subsequent circumstances con-
finned my conjectures, arid tendered an explanation unavoidable.
We did -not arrive at our dwelling in the grove, -till past three o’clock.
Ih « u r way home the spectators were dew, in con^arison with the numbers
collected to gaze a t us when we went. The day had been expressively
hot, we were nevertheless highly gratified by .the scene we had beheld,
Which was uncommonly splendid, and in every respect, the-dignity
o fan imperial court. The evening, however, .proved cool, and refreshing
breezes recompensed us for the sultriness of the day, the transactions
of which supplied, an interesting topic of conversation until the hour o f
E MB A SSY TO AV A. 3 6 0
Presents expected-fy<_ the^pfintipalK Ofiur^sssdofiiJriv.iallValue—Matter-mj
r, For^.—Visit, the Engip Feekien-^-Condi^kiqf,] the, pubtie> (dffecevs- WoKe
. respectful.—Splendour of the Court.—Engy fcerfiten—('(timony’dfidti
parting.—Ghdbwas,0hRAHhatary<£.piifeis^-Meedaw Praw^—U Printess
* o f high iBfignityz,—>cher Cojirt^-Kenerablh P<erso’rc—@fpifi(fslty—Kdlitw
ness.—Visit tooths P.rinceS’.afiPmomc^ofh'MersUtns^ ofVl'orrgfnr^-gnd
ofPegahm—rj&eceptioh .aC their respective ( aunts -^ h im Ahf J’icdigaiit
WtifTiek, or Royal Library.—’ ih&'Glijjttiseii^Eff'pch'si dj
I .Despot ism.s-^Pride >of the: Minhsters\-rAAmurmhurd®&kdBijfcttliy£:in
a Point o f Etiquette.^—Politeness1 o f thetfxovifejior b f rBampo/irwEfibip to,
, ■ the Seredarw Poiindctgee Praw, or-Arch Pnesij%s^$gifficeht'0 $ i i ^ ^ -
•^Numerous,religious Building^—KAebangMiemfii^-aibsaiitfhl Building
|hLrpf<i what Purpose applied.— A Kiourn oj txtraotdinary\Splemhur,^^
Visit-Ike Arracan Gaudma—enthusiastic AdoVation o f the ’Multitude i—
■ Chounda, or Place jr f Accommodation fomMrdnge^s-.'—Partake cfR-e-
freshment.—Return.— Descriptioni a f the Forb o f tlmmerapoora.
T he next morning, AugustSlst, the Shawbunder 6€ Rangoon, and .’Baba-
Sheen, waited on us with information, that aSiCfta^%rMa£ri®'f(iMt«;tijltffiWaS>
now past, I m ig h t, cbnmtand^elhphants andtHovses to~ |0?:whbfcV»A dn«I
pleased ; and that they h ad received an shew me
whatever was most worthy the notice'of a stranger. i,i’Th%yi. intimated .also