hated every night; lanterns madeofidifierent coloured, transparent paper
'Wére'-suspended from ibamboo scaffolds, -and disposed in.various: shapes,
^Mch^proJtfted ■ a^leasinrdeflect 'when; seen from bur. residence o n ithe
-Opposifesidfedtthelak^ Jgh^superibrbrilliancyof tKelightsjibthe»p«lscfe,
- was'-riistinguishableJabove theirest: - TheBirmans aresingularly expert in
•the ^ sp laym f fif O^wdrks of every description -
: On the 13th of October, I received a verbal «message from; the 'Engy
/Feokièn, that he should be-gkd to-see me on the following day,y»hpn.Jib
meant to la^jaside the parade -of state, and hpnöur me with an unceremonious
fecépfibn.:. I;önabmced.-^ith^eMm^'mi"^^^0rtünity
mbneumbëréd with the foimahties ofiregaLpampv-md accompaniéd-by a
fewatlendants, ptooecdedondiorseback to his palacevat (heappointed4ime.
.As soon as-my arrival wa&mhmunced, I was inunediateLy^introdilcedf^th-
|pti£the*previous, ceremony- of •Waiting in the- Rhobm.;i ©mthis;töec$siori he
.didhot, as formerly , exhibit himself from a casement vrindowllike a pagod,•
b ü t-was-seated at the upper-end of the hally-upon* a-Tco^ehs^hly,adored
with the . customary.ornaments. His dress was entirely.isiniple ;;he-wore:a
white vest-of fine mirafin,'with a IbweK gamentsof.rilky-ajnd his; head "was
bound withan embroidered fillet. .-Several- personages of rahk.werefpresent,
habited also-in aplain manner.butdistinguishcdbytMeagoldtzaioeyorchain
dfnobihty. The deportment of the prince at this inter.vie.wwas perEet^ftahk,
and free from Ostentation; I was disappointed; however, in. his copveri
sation;-I expected that-he would, by inqiHring iato.'the state bf the British
provinces, and-the causes of tlteir. prosperityyïhave sought^Orriitfof-t
mation, that might hereafter prove Beneficial to thè, Country Over ,.which
he is -one day presumptively to reign. His discourse' took a.quite .diffe-.
rent turn; he asked only fiiyolous questions, and endeavoured to amuse