younger princes dt> natras$umêriihO?’Sls&tB,QG'royalty; ödP:'réeöptfói# Wks-
much more gay and less ceremonious at their palaces, than at that1 of- the
Krigy ■ 'Ç e ^ :eh-. At - the- palöe^ &E'the- pHtïqptof'Prome, ö^Hs benk termed«,
th e :FbëTèèkibir, thl'pi^OTat-Eonsf-rEfadg-^r' eu^enfeMihineni were l P !
tresieiy splendid. When- ihe-gafid’Gffthe ibefosuro wa* thrown- open- ti©-
admit' us-, we were surprised with-a view1 o f a landof'elophan-ts. on one-side»,:
and>of'ter^s-an theotheB; there1 were fifteen ogthe former,- some* ©fwhichi
surpassed1 ifiksifce and beauty-any- Thad even seen-: the-horses--were more
numerous ; and several of them werë rxehly caparisoned. Passihg^through-
these, we came to an open space,- where, rdpe-dancers-aiMltftmlders-were-
perfdimmg in the open air: W e sfoppecRtolbok-at them, but observed?
nothing remarkable in their feats7;- they were- much bnforter- fe- agjiityf- toj
the tumblers of Southern India-. 0 ne man, however-, surprised: us a good
deal, by applying the point of a fspeàrit0 his shoulder and1resting- the other-
end-against, a pillar, thus pushing on it, apparently with great force, until
he bent and broke a thick shaft ; this he effecledLwithout- piercing-his-own-
skin, which, though the spear -was not very sharp, must ’hu-ve- been wonderfully
firm to have resisted such evident- violence-.
While we were viewing the sports, a message was brought-from theprinee-
to acquaint us that these people hacl been procured for our-amusement-;-
and- after we had satisfied our curiosity th e would be glad to sëé-us, Wê-im-
mediately proceeded to the halhof-reception, which was a handsome wooden
building, but not so large as that of the elder brother! At the upper- end1 there
was a sofa, curiously gilded, and ’decorated1 with pieces Ofimdrror, disposed
in such a-manner as to produce a pleasing-effect. None-of1 the royal'fàmily-
were present-, and we did:not observe any' ofi the Wöongees or A'ttawoons-.
A few minutes after we had; taken our! seats, ihe-prince-entered, splendidlydees
sed; hte p.Mceeded!8o>hb^ofe,|wi%^nshndlemnit.y1,ianfcl spoke j-p.nfy a
fewdwfcflgdsw W e j ,Withja handsome ‘d e ^ i j of
^»hitfhejpfiiipe Aihrsi&fffflf^mit^dhJis ka teat» A s i snara-a^lhe; ijit^aciretv., -our
attention was, ea||gd^ipp.e^^f©mpfp^^'®f.feiai?e--da'noersviwho had com-
mshceditheif^epfOfflil^ce^affi^efvijitasd^ arfeal&omy n f't^ |h ^& This band
fflflffemafes d id njot Netojl|chk3i!eeht itfee fe^il^^ ^ aABrintee^ ^hnee’t f feemnm-
fe«r were teantifu-L, .atfd-aiwvjsd with.gra^£®bep.^e, dm |-pepfec^ii^i^qny;(to
the iirasie j -th&i£ 0utg(p%esslwks a ^ ^ p in g r-OMe, njadelof (tramkp^e-St gauze
ddiriatelw embreMored wiAidffiwegssrf'gold an d ^ l^ e r, »and;a;pMtysrpii;«>f
gol'd; drains leakaroled hhehafefhs?'an^faa'iH'si; a®
hmphehdldifflg this ©legant^Spe^^l^f^rfdfdien^etu'iltedko' ■th.eihl0',ae w/here
our elephants we®© w aifiHM^il|hpjpi©kct;afX'%^ «• h-ln >person,®;gii||r labove
fiheimrddfesize; ins age dee§ rfoEesceOd fcw <3n ty - sdven oflSwenty-’Oight^'eaGsg
andsiilifeh ys'feldar'-fe'other, his ajppe^fSB^prdnaises fot^r^jG®?pulehcy<:
hife cmdat^sfflfeejishathraAlynheeifHl andpleasing, which we were told was
the-Arbe findex- pfbis .±tind :-he,' beass--ak!e^djbnt ■1ohar,^.c^er,,^nd is-said-to
be jrnuch (esteemed in the-pin^inee,. jov^r. whldhr^eiimmfediii^ely^ir^sidos,:,^
Our next visit was Jo, tiid tpunay ul .whiten WefW^r^gj-v-e^
WidieWky markmfiattesLtion. His dwelling. (those of
"his elder 'btdthers, and th e attendance w'as 'C o ppa ^t^e ly^^|^& |j>h4 f|
•werbv howevdr, -a mumbret of'state iekbphknts,vp<^dsd l^t^^|fefeup(;-^ai;'4b
and we (passed through attend «if rmisqheteecsdinwnjr^i^tsihgle -fil^s-oh
• bachaido. This rnil^ary arraythad a mktf <aaggyl^a0eawwc e ‘*hM,dly &n,y
two werfe dfessed aitke, andsonie'<ffrthdlltdwere-wtthhut;^j,Q,ther eldth-
j$g5 tthatt a (fillet that Jtoc-irefefisthoiT head,. andj-a ninth willed1-round -their
Waist: through -respect, they were 'ail,’.seated.* on fhe®^«^e^R so^e with
«theirfelooks -shouldered, and others with tliejbdtt%a*esti!ng-on -the, ground.