generally depictured, is sitting cross-legged on a pedestal, adorned with representations
of the leaf of the sacred lotus carved upon the base j • the'left
hand'of-'the image-rests upon his lap, and the right is pendent. Passing
through the suburbs, we:«came,to fa part where the inhabitants were
employed in expressing oil fiom the sesamum seed : the grain is put into
a deep wooden trough, in which it is pressed h y an upright timber fixed
in a frames the force is. increased by a long lever, on the extremity of
which a mah sits^and guides jl bullock that ns$yeg in a
ing smd«'|ttesMng; the seed at the same tim e : the machine was sipigle,_and
answered the end effectually. There were not less than 200 of those pulls
within a narrow compass. From the circumstance of the cattle being in
good order, we concluded that they are fed bn the sued after the olf is extracted.
The land about Pagahm scarcely yields sufficient vegetation tO'
nourish goats.
i /i «vGHAPTER;, ^ &
Embark ok M a rd thpi\mpal^Bur^e^have, Pagahm—un'gulpr, Caves—
Birjnan Hermits.—-Pass ^mqykipum^Mnfirroptpk—
. lous -r-^hwayidon^-r-Pf.o/izett^Qja.e/ieu.^lsamii, pi&pidlldL'l
—Kiouptaun, oi I me ojJlo$s<^%anoiuidain^‘lirjtoup-mew, or ChM
nesedfowh.—Th efieenduernia te g e , BfflprptiCmsayt; B.qatmenkfT
boo—Manufacfortp oj %ead/tcn'^ih^^nnu^i(ium—Mamtfal toryi of
yifBalt-pdr e, and Gunpm dei. — Qpamiagti^e^fbjmci o<- Plantation ,
gi„Suidaht, or Ehphanl l^gge^Miahmtw^-Lapadain—IhetMawbutit
ji, der returnsj-^JCiauptalwm—periodical \ Ri&ing$Mfkjfe Miper^ancjpnt
% Ava—Description o f it— Tempi.e &&^Meganga Praw.—Beaptifuh
. iduation o f Chagain.—Appearance offfmmerappora, the Capital— <Aoun-
\4 mnajin-rspacious Lake—Residence ' o f the, British Deputation, and
x^Reception o/t our l a n d i n g t
A f em e , o’clock m.thc mommg of the 11th of July iB.tppte-possession of
the^oyal batg&wfith ceremonious formality, afc'com|kMed( byfthe« Wooit-
dock and Raba-Sheen. The .platform on tbefou^iddi’c5Jnt‘aitic(l^»k'cc’lfor.
„thirty two rowers, sixteen o n each side; but>'on tpS'^b^o®theVoOTS were
not fastened, as it was meant-tpobe drawn by war-bbats the^m^lbjwas:
ntyided into three small apartments, handsomely fitted? up ftfflBkropf and
sides?were lined-wltb white cotton^ and&tite ftear ttWBpff^rith carpets and
fine mats. I proceeded in this barge till» o^b'o’elotk^ and then returned ‘to