ipjord^ep.fcsiajjji^.o’wiiig'fo tJjQwant o fip.oi^t>UFe. W e understood-'tjje
had been je tjiajkablydry;oiaijjpi^l^vieYorvwas shortly expeptepb- T he river*
notwithstanding ;pfj&P! mpspc^- continued tp^igg.; iW,&ip5&»r
sed, on the-o^tjei^ s jd e s i ^ o s p t ^ j o r the, Line of §.oqks, ^anompdi^rj^aj
r'espgci&blb town,, with snverajxrthgB toyns and tviU^es, In the eyepings
■vye brought to at an island opposite Tinoup-meyy,; or Chinese C ity ; there
is a small district that bears the same name,'called so in commemoration
o£(£ victory gaiuedlieF.e over an army, of Chigoe; that inyaded. the Hirirtyn
empire some centuries ago, at the period when Pagahm was the seat of-go-
verrmient,. whence it appears that the Chinese have long considered this
kingdom as a desirable, conquest, and have made ■ .n^re-thao,gne- &nitle£$*
attempt to accomplish its subjection. |
THt next day "we stopped hve1 miles, above- Tir£onp-mew,'.'#ierej4he
Keenduem mingles its waters with those of the Irrawaddy ; this great river
comes from the north-west, and divides the country of Cassay from that:
of Ava. The Birmans say that it has its source in a lake three months,
journey to. the --northward: j it is navigable, as far as the Birman territories
extend, for vessels of burthen. An intelligent man belonging to Dr. Bu-
chanams boat, informed him, that the most distant town, in the possession
of the Birmans, on the Keenduem, was named Nakioung, and,the first
Shaan town* was called Thangdat. The entrance of the Keenduem, seemed
somewhat less than a mile wide : the Irrawaddy, immediately above" the
junction, became much narrower; but I imagine a stream was concealed,
• * Shaan, or Shan, is a very comprehensive term given to different nations, some independent,
others the subjectsof the greater states: thus the Birmans frequently mention-the Me-
lap-Shaan, or Shaan subject to the Birmans ; the Yoodra-Shaan, subject to the'Siamese’j the
Cassay-Shaan, to the Cassayers.
%§ the* b'affk'dfran
IslalfS fOfMed‘feyi«f®bhaK%>a®'Ghy '
Snytt^fffefiJiwbh'iKi^'ed ^aribo^tSrt-feA^G&SpaaiPerigthe^bafrge ifrdm'
Ummerapoora, IshadbtSMarked.'fr^ttife'S tkj|'
-menh andft -tjiat m8&qitttet$^iia^ll^han
:tEeSBfrmari|«bai («kordai- l^co’t,ic)iiftcii^^IM^lteted%fl&fti#fe^.We^|i;ass
jftir- ftBfe SSsn’S' JoT" Cas^yfei'S^^pS^fradiil^i'en'ab'roS^h^jS'Wa^v 'frontuftheil
iia iu e cenHitrv',.at timcsn\hui tllib'llirtiKlnsA,aiiltd hitsiew
Astons at toss •tin. K-ccrulutm 1 astti nuns adJs'pttbo dWrot^iiftntlaoto^A^
pj. ihcJfca-n(Bii!b>5.nh't\‘ovcMmti. l l y*Ar l ^K^ l f ^ f e l leiyvt J&fdnv.t)*il%
an aijsjfthcMliltabit inlCJpifrii^nlal lifr GMWrSntjrfjRdfo’m \\ iili'iifk
jfiliur own dninrfiiotis! mdWfeHsSittjitirt^^lllustdtial siatfigthth^^Jl^^mtS-imnO'
•tihensmfnbfe^of thieirssdbjfeGfsl' This>ha§1*ll^#4ipraG(il&‘i # ‘-M#tti»;#arfere'
Sffenrtime mnhfeitioria^^h^l^^t'oTjtt^fajlutlit,- Ltuh-sl? witli I fvdlai Ally.
ISdfcpopul ittleUthc Carnalit, >-1, liifd¥t.i i. imlil'fshoy5tift ioW- i*i oort hMWd^efcfw ,i y
be transplanted!i^rijlhfea&fy, and will aypivjing
at the ycarA of maturity, the most lenient treatment viM'iirf'rlll'u'ieqfflir-
'dleithb'Jinnra»-trikd t»cd^lYfridielfeHtio;fflifi aOfeife^Hl.’oSariteyialTherdpbt
wheie a prison has pass-id the-tend ct* ycjAis'of h(b,$itf[L*Mig'Aminil>eic^
and impieSsrvE rnter^aPI between miaricy and- ‘mmffiood,-IK-1 l'tP’-v? 1 iere
■id.t,ma.y$ is>bever‘ d^ar to^lfMb^ If'shMid WiiKhgl^ hav&J eo^vb’rshd^'W'ith
dfiebE assay ibdat'-;'^enplet'>TeSp6ctin^ -theiriinaf'te&V'MS|ihy,?^il1iti\idiPklf^.
tbad mej-either to' gratify my own cJu'fiesi£ysh&rria^tiiiS^fheOehqfrit*£sk
ffififia t e rsui: ^
I At ten o’clock we reached! the town of Yandaboo-, remarkableni)pits5ma-
^rafaetories ofearthen ware; and.'in'tH&'-COurs^ofmeiday'-vris'passbdfflSny
towns and; villages, on each-side, agreeably shaded-by: treesj paMealarly