\tWW£*°Æ<am>M VMM!
■'"Embark oh"board, the Seâ-Hôi jiom ful&itt (airmail'd the, Cocoa
r ‘/ s laip&stouch at Port Cornwallis^ iifetfm Greoeè^/fndaman.— Ho spc~
pfe* tably1 received bif Captains Ramsay and Stoke e.-b-Sofÿfyjxourflt of, the
imperfectly known to the drittlnts^oarbat istrê and wretched
' Stale of the s V itives .-^Simgrildkdae'biihil of two 'yowfi^,
; quent sc%rcm/"âfitF6bé:~^-^Brûtaik Btefyavioulàlo${s%w&Ringdk.Fis,her-
* m a r k ^ N a tu r a l P ro d u c tsio f the,dsla$d{.— RdinSï:éxée^fye??^ÇQlp$y
i ,‘.>sickly— eauÈeèi— Prepare to départ.
H aving ‘KÉdi^&l-my commissions-from the-*jGoHcrnoifCcnoral,} <^&ap&;
^Slminjpme' A^cnt^lciiipofï-nfiàVy^wi'tlrpYrnerffomîafr,' in tlitîtuuïuAotj
tht/Supiemc Govbrnnicnt ô ttn d ia . witli th* Erripcrow
Vèstfng^ÿne a u th o f ^ ’^tâlèè'co'grS^anGe' b? t-h,^ éo’ntfüGtipfthe Efafi^subt-
îjëcts iraiTino lÔ^oWitsiUirigt lrb tfiStWliftric1? h \\Ss de stniut ttavrsit: <w»
'ÎHe^lsFoeF ebruary, 1 79 S, I erhbatfefei a t <@ârt Gùfrt^r<&| tHêsSea-djlcirse,
an’ armed’ crüizer- pëîôngih'g?te?îh& E*asr India Co^H'pany-^JB^taimTh^ma's,
‘Commander, attended*'by Mr. Wbod^Assï'stahË' afidft&ecretaiD^|ndt;Di!.
‘Buchanan;-Surgeon to the mission. À Ilavildur,* Naît lr,,-a,afuli?
selected from a battalion ad the-military station- bFJB^rr«ii^Eê^fûrr^e(|j, art
IttendaBt guard; these, with an Hindoo’:Pdndit;-$ for whosecompany$■:
Native serjeant t Native corporal. Proft sor uf Iliiutocr'Kari.ing.