m p
Every morning the usual present for our table- was regalarly brought, to
which was sometimes added fish of a good quality, that which is called in
Bengal the sablë;fish. ' On' themomingAif1 the '26th-I wënt ó n shore* At an
early hour,daëëotopariièd "by Doctor Buchanan; *thé spring tides, which
prevailed sincè the time of our arrival! had now subsided, apd left a dry
fbot-path in the Tear of the house, across the water-course that surrounded
it, thereby1 opening a free- communication With the country. Doctor Buchanan
and myself took the liberty to pass the boundary for the first time.
When the Birman centinels perceived our?ifitention, thëjr'ëbïriültëd together,
as we imagined, whether or not they should H3fêërpóSerltn d pre¥ëM
u s; they however contented*themselves with following us, and vigilantly
observing all our actions. Passing over some dry rice" grounds, we reached
the place where the ceremony of burning the dead is usually performed:
whilst we were examining the ruins of a decayèd temple, a messenger came
to inform me that Baba-Sheen had arrived at the house :w e immediately
went back, and found him waiting for us. After the usual Salutation; I
asked him if the courier he had dispatched fe Pëgue, was rètïtrriè®y f Hè
answered in'the affirmative; and added, that as thëdetters contained nothing
more than a notification of my arrival, and cu^omary'Cööplhnènts;®®
Viceroy had sent a verbal reply, to signifythat he would be glad to see
me and the rest of the English gentlemen at Pegue; at the same time
commanding him to provide suitable boats, and every requisite for öÜr
journey, which Baba-Sheen said would be in readiness in two or three
days; and that it was his intention to precede us, in order to make thé
necessary arrangements for our reception. This intimation was answered
on my part with a cool acknowledgment of the Viceroy’s civility: after
expressing my surprize that he had not written, either to notify having
received, the G'6,mitBorr6enenaysils1sten^rQin:ddsise*»Quri eompauy', I 'added';*
that my paying a visit to his Excellency was a matter which could not at*
that Aimesbe-deteMni'SCd,'-«BahaiSheen^MhopedtethahUGUimpedimenfe might'
arise to>pi&vcnUu,is*falnbnggtdfrto*beiLi!ttanrediwith,atsighf*efJlheiprestui.s
intended for the,.Viceroy,: I promised tojigt-atifyi his wisfrjirp 1 abided, die,
WOjtl4, cpme«Q^ibpa4dv4he«S?ajiiHoi’se^j he?ap pointed;,! thejafo^s^ihg'unorn-'l
ing, and took fiis&leayl: in this !k'isitlheT^aiseafeortlpapdddp^' th eN ak -
iiA b nine-* o’clock in the i.morningj ab a- S> h eciro> Glmc’i ontbhoard; uw e'
^ere.-hj^exiseaihope.uiiedt by .thaireisit^rf
Raywoon, or governor, w lio^lxidi^bptui e exc used himself on account of
nifiit.p.usiU(^m^an(n(l his health sufficiently mended to venture to shut
ship, and by lus looks plainly oyiucccriitliat.ihe had nob. heon> ‘lon^'diii
inv3lid,:-|Jns appearance bespoke'ihim^jsixtyj .years - df^aga; JjiSsi, dlessjwas.
miliLjiy; lie tamed a sword, and woie-ta,UglitJ'tuat<oriEmbpeanbbioaib
doth, wit-hisgold, -buttons1 of la conical. form, a fillet -cMi muslin surrounded
hisKuhead, tg» apiece, ofd checquei;edc;Peguen«ilky,twrappedt-rOuii;d' <hrsf.waisfy
and, ii.df/Qoncealed bis thighs;. on Ins feet,he woie the'sandal hM'Vogue^
which resembles those used , hyitbe Sepoys o( India s h e was attended by
^^gU^OTsoightf sery.an.ts-,aimed}iwifchisahres‘,t one of whom carried a painted
box*, containing beo'le leaf atid areca nut, another hiv wi iimg''lricuteilalw
and a thud a flaggon of walei, on the neck of which w as suspended a.lazgo
gpJd'iOUpivthat ^®yed;as a coverjto tlie flaggon,’arid a vessel to drank out
o f: all these, I afterwards understood, were appendages of-his djgVuM as-
■Well as articles of convenience. After a slight aheisSfice,4for the Bn mans
are not. ceremonious in. their^alutations,', he sat 4°>w,n -on a..chaiijr placed
on. the quarter-deck, and in his conversation displayed more knowledge-