in thecentre-Of which stood the kioum, an «edifice’not less ex tr a ordhiary
'Som te -siU é ^ lfè ^hlteetöFe, «ban -magnificent f«>m its ©r laments* arid
drómthe-goid that ’was .profusely bestowed-on every part.k fe ^ a a composed
‘entirely ‘rif .Wood j antbtbe ToOfsr,arising one above another.htï .five distinöt
stories, diminished iij sixe as theyadvarieedin height, each roof being surrounded
by a cornice, ©uriousfy carved and richly gilded. The body of' the
building,-'elevated.twelYe-feet from tbc ground, wa$ Sn^arbdioS.tegelfcM-
%erèidÉ^d&fè?fbe''éa^iftèr ‘theisöïneriëf piles, ë f>whirih dière weré^o-*1
ibabtyT-50 to «uslain theiirimehse-weightof thesuperstructuFe. ©nasêendb%
thè-stairs ,«we were notleb^k"ise<l.thansui-prised,atth(?spilendid'appóaranc5e
•which the -inside displayed1; a giklerl balustrade, fantastifiSlly cafved «into
various slrajfes ririd:iigHres,'encoittp^sed the - outside of. itheeplatform.
Within -this, -there was a wide gallery that Goniprehended-theieiitire icipenlt óf
thebuMing/iri which -many devotees-were stretched .prdsiMe.pntite'ftoor.
An’inner Tailing opened into anöble liaM, -supported' by cótóiripadgs. of lofty
pHfers; -thecentre row was at ieastfifty fcöt-bigh^ and:-giklod;fronuthe sum-
‘Tnit to Avithin lour leet ofthe ba.s€,-whk-h was-laok-ered,.Fcd.. -«in.^-he middle
•iff the’half dhere was a gilded partition -of Opew lattaioed.swoEk, hfieonior
:fwèntydèet high,;whiehdiyided rt intd tWparts-,.from nprth tosouth/ SEhe
■space between' the pillars - varied -from twelve to sixteen ;feet, and the num-
^ber,; including-those that supported-the galleries, appeared to béinot fewer
than -one hundredwhich, asthey approached the extremities, diminished in
- "height ;■ the outeriiost tow not exceeding fifteen feét:. .-?Thë -bottom of these
ówas:-cased1 with sheet 'lead as a-defence against the weather. A marble
‘rmage df'Gaudma, gilded, -and sitting, on a golden throne, Avas placed in
• the centre of;the partition; and in front - ^ > -l6aU&ag^a^^s^tjGnÉ(ó:
• of'the pillarSj-wë Beheld the :Seredaw- sitting on- a- Satin carpet, He-was