nearthe wa ter "sedge to see us land. The place-wherewelaradfed appeared1 tobe
frearîy a m$ey rri a dttucf ffidi'belew the fort, the- southern-waîfe-’bf which
a r e ^ s h e r f b ^ t f e l a k r ^hert tfiefwafefs’âre swollen; Three
several horses- Were wcffiififgptb convey ns, and. some B nman officer? or irr-
fèrifa^cb^sëqnërKfe attended- at the Barrir, chess edfrr therr rbB'es and" caps
Ofcrirembriy; -The furniture of" the animais-We'Word to fidh w asfarfrom
being superb;1 Men of rank in the Birman emphé alwtfyS guitfe fherroWft
elephants, and sit on the neck, in the'same manner that the dlwefs," ot ttio*
haats-, doiir Indîà t oWingto this custom theyare Uttpfèvîded
modibnsseats in which an Indian gentleman reposes at ease on the back of
this-noble beast, whilst the government o f if is enfrhsfea to anbtlferperSOn,’
A large wicker basket, somewhat resembling the Body of an open carnage;
but smaller, without any elevated^ seat, a n d 'coveretf vvitn carpefs at the
bottom, wasfestened om thebackrofthd éfépBânt’by;ffielnl%fifoh^^ftniis
that passed under his belly, and were preventedfroin chafing him By tanned
èx'Eîîes; Tins' eqüipapF was neither cômfôrtablé nor elegant; but as I
had n o t learned how to manage an elephant, aria nde netweem ms ' ears,
there was ho alternative; I was obliged either to take what vras* provide«, or
Snbmit to a less dignified conVeyarice. The drivers, ïnsteàd ofîriaïmg the
Beast kneel down tcrfeceive his rider, as is the custom in other countries,
drove him np to a temporary' stage that had been erected"for the purpose
o f mounting. Each of the Chinese deputies was also honoured with an elephant.
Mr. Wood and Dr. Buchanan rode on handsome spirited" horses, of
the-small Peguebr.eed, which had been prepared' for them, and were equip-
pedwith much better furniture than was assigned" to the elephants. The Birman
saddles, however, notbeing well calcul'ated'fbr fne ease of anEuropeari
rider,.two. of English manufacture, which we liad-brought with us, were substituted
in their stead. Tffe' ^obMHbHffM^puridit, a n d th e 1 partitef ‘Were
rikewise perrmtteuf to^ri'deuu'HoTjelttcK, After Wbhad'adj'ti&ted the ceremonial
oiriibuntiri^^^pnOTffliari t^as mafmallea iri fne" fmlbf^ta'g order i
":',-“A iSiiido1hg4ah,J or master Of'fliuOCTem6m®f)®dnnriikeb^ek';';' -
An uriiroupSere’e f orVegMerorSttaitgersfon'horseback;
A Letzouriseree, orregister of presents, 'onhbraeb&k‘;''1
dressed" in‘theiror&fcralTbtfell sand caps.
fJ,'ySwrai'efs in l f c6m{?bs?<f‘tfie esfctmt/0 ^
The elephant dr the ttp^S^riraSVy^'diu'SbveTVi'bf-Oeheral. * "
Mr. WdcafarM DrfBiraftSfifSSf'orfmOT^a®!18
a Tfaha-Sneeri/aucniffmxerpfetbf'.'1 *
The Chinese deputies, on efepfrarit!s,^Tece3eau)‘^theiT servants, '
A Woondbekj’o r seC&^^^inseMir rn?taM‘i'' 1
’Two TerrezGgees, o f1 Omtrfers'mffrffl juffidlaxy^WafionsP”
"" T h e servants o f the embassy Valued on each side, two by two ^ arid a
number of constables attended,'with long white red'Sjlo'kebpoff tfte pOpHted.
' "Tne profession being thus "arranged, we cdmuibncba oartmarcE^ keeping'a*
moderate pace,"so as not to distress thte'MIreia'of the pnesterifs*. -After
proceeding a short way, we" entered a widS and Handsome street, to at "was
paved"with'&nck: the hbuifbs on eacn sidtrw^TOW, buiA bf v^jdd’/arH'CO-
y lfed with'tSTes; fhby M a been evlaetrtly'prepared1 fbi* the Ocdairaff, being
fresh whitewashed",-and decbrated with bW^ffs’luiOT bM^;
are usually open towards the sfrWt, dispIayed^ffieiPnelr |ob®. fnrTrttm
of feacif House was a" slight Tatftcea raftmg-dr B aftfbo'o"; frararalffmrOT’thfe
street, to th e distance of three of four feet; over this' space
shade o f bamboo mats, that -reached from t&b HoSfse^todfe