-became: Jess Jbarren. A -few ■jneonsidej^leugardeps, werjMnglo$e4tfby;ithe
■inhabitants, snwnjchiehyjwith Indian oeth andipulSiOi anddn.sam,etpJva£e§jthe
cotton plant wg^gKiwfoig- We continued; oi£[ ride, five ,§ij^ix mil??;a^.-far
as,a,small pillage,, named Minangdoo, whore the ruins seem to end in that
!>^®(^mp%!3Chere I saw for .the first time a Kioum, or, monastery, built of
masonry. W%iSQt back' ahpu(;4welveioj(do^_and,foug,g^G);ov|4.si fif people
assembled at the water side, waiting for the,arrival of the^prlpee,qfjl?agahn},
who was-hourly expected: all the«men,ohdistineUo’n^bgfo^gi^ggto
the pity, had gone up the river fo meet,.him. In qrderrto make njnrq room
near the. spot where he was to land, we looked ouf--h@a| ^ ^ ^ ; Jem(^ye,dj4o
a sitjUaffoudhwer down. Shortly after, the fleet came in jigh$.
too great a distance to ‘distinguish the prince’s jbaige^-the dscor&tionqtof
which were said to be very handsome; but we saw an immense iitxmljgr
of boats, and heard the shouts o f th e , people*, who>y^eIfomed;<their.-royal
-governor with every demonstration of joy,, ■
Being unacquainted with «the etiquette proper to baohseiYedKgmjSUch
an occasion, I consulted the Mioudogee, whether;.a visifofcoml mejwks exp
e c t^ , o r would be agreeable to the prince. I Ic replied, that my payingja
visit, would lay the prince under the necessity of-desiring oun^stayjfor
two or three days, to partake of an entertainment. * As such a i^ re tq o t^
could not be convenient to him, and had no inducement for me, I, sent Baba-
Sheen to apologize in my name, pleading haste and the lateness of the
season, as my excuse for not having the honour, to-wait on him.
A t sun rise next morning, the prince pf-Prome passed by, with a.-very
numerous and noisy retinue; from the number ofoboats there could.not
be fewer than three or four thousand persons : all the boatmen were
singing in unison with the strokes of their oars. The Maywoon of Pegue
-whoNsMshiMiJs s it mg that he •
m i q j n t f t o l a h i Jffcc wfoy’ his otiii Jaghue or,'estate,
Where he sliould&waiSoui/Vnv il
We were delayed at Pegahm by our boaU people, till near ten o’clock,
when we pnshcrFWpTlriR)mH" duimgftfi ^ ollVly part (Miilns/lay, where
n iile iltreB iW
one plaee’. rh^fc[^n?%nito!tetVd1" and the smruit* riVsl'dd- rouiid
aprafeeting iy tL with ext t s s i (1 j tv. I We saw -leve^lFwifgcs1 ol
hills,* s^^Wrtw'lnTh apjit^oAenetJnear 'the riYo|‘ fiiYL these w;meS>f liotonl-
Itdmagiift uder:f.'1 lit Ai'ffieS^'punr tuN,fiilt\ c>jsrLjrviuiles^tlisrani:,
'Wnfolftwcic visime It*mtlr\al’s. towe'redhm.lin m ^ flie lest "In theVvenirig
■we t,e iebedt Sdlamgw, a i , ancient env which’ l^ploi'Rl r$een a’^ n r y
considerable. note. ^ Mfle w t), to ihoinoithw ird, \vtjqautei\ed the linns
of a Brick fort erected’ ini
-Wereesijll to*be traced. We hadfctef n soi muefoeiinaged, when wawcic
litf§>bSlSi’es' with the silk jnd'eottSn'.ineichantS'vB^bfioiiijghtv'tliejrigooHs
to'XlJ, «that wd entirely ovei looked the sue' bit this loi tress, an oversight*
that mighti easily happen?, as its ramparts andi fo%.efoia|efoea;rly tevebw&hi
thedusti -