All the fules o f thefe internal bays are of marble, and all'
nearly o f the fame kind o f fubftance. The common Dalmatian
marble prevails, fometimes more,, and forrietimes lefs full o f
fitlulous and broken pieces o f teftaceous bodies; often divided
into horizontal inclined ftrata, and fometimes alio fubdivided.
vertically. I had a drawing taken o f one o f the moil remarkable
places on that fhore, called Suppliaftina, which means
perforatedJtorte, (P. VI.) and takes its denomination from the
hole B, formed in the top o f the naked rock, and palling quite
through it. There is not, perhaps, on all the coafts o f Dalmatia,
nor within land, neither do I believe, among all the
mountains o f Italy, which 1 have vifited, a fingle fpot better
calculated to convince a perfon prepoffeffed by the falfe opinion
o f the exiftence o f calcareo-marine vertical ftrata, improperly
fo called, in their natural pofition. T he final! promontory-
ftretches into the canal A, which extends itfelf towards the
lake o f Scardona. On the oppofite fide are feen the fallacious,
appearances o f the veins C, almoft perpendicular j, but on examination,
the line E E E E is difcovered, conftituting the primitive
divifion of the ftrata, and confirmed by the difference o f
the fubftances lodged in the marble.. Other fimilat lines are
difcoverable higher u p ; and that which manifeftly fhows the
different origin o f thefe and the vertical lines, is, that the firft:
are fcarcely vifible, and rarely difcontinue the lolidity o f the
mafs and the fecond are evident fiffures, lometimes narrower,
and fometimes broader. The channel o f St. Antonio, that leads
from the port o f Sibenico to the fea, likewife exhibits a lingular
appearance o f ftrata worthy o f obfervation. For the divifions
o f the marble fide, are at firft much inclined towards the internal
promontory o f the port} then they become, by little and
little, more ereft, till they are quite vertical; and at laft, all