as may be feen above, believed, without the leait foundation,
that there was a river in the ifland called Apjïrtus. And Cluve-
rius, imagining there was hot only one channel near Ofero, but
two more, towards the north point, fays, that Chèrfo and Ofero
ought not to be called one iiland, but properly an aggregate of
four iflands.j and he made out tfib four paríá thus; Cao, t Fare-
Jina, Cbèrfo, Ofero. Perhaps üthïi; Wry'learned man has been
deceived by fome^iheSpert Navigators'; foiy’ih fealitp, ‘ there Is
only one channel o f ’the' fea’ nàmè]y^theKfe^ ÿ sr,' that divides
the mountain à^di‘thfe'reïÎ!o f ;tHbriMahdJ'frdrrt th‘ebfouth part of
<7¿í^3;v_¿iid-'tBti -cifjr^oP' Gjffib, arid fhëjràre joined By à bridge.,
âtThê’ertys'wh'jèfi Bears tbe^faníe^hátíie!? 3(
34 1 think I miy be permitted tobonfiddr both parts divided by
riki-llhtit,’'as' o'iie rfland billy, on account o f the contiguity, and
artificial bóhnfedtíóñ,' ^áhWell '¿¡Tof the uniformity o f foil, pro-
d j t â ë ,0a b d d fi& ab 'tfe ifta ? i,,ri Jrb,:'' Ü P f f l
¿■GbeffopÓfiro, m / f iü grande, E ó j f n ’f i c á m ’f IMenScé, and CaU
J o k , 'Srd'tM mtifï Confidëràble" plaCes'bf the ifland. N e r e fn e ,
í and fome others, are only
in'habited by poor unpoliíhed
;pfifâle?n<viflibàt in á u 'a iy ,and;Without bread.. I íhall fpeak of
36 “ oú-deferving óf notice.
% m m f antique. 1. r. c 21. Quatuor eram tnfuh. JtbfirtieU,
dkÍ,Ur Ch‘ rf ° : hu¡c ” ‘W¡tudi»e próxima ab au/ro
Ofero -, rehqua dua ab feptentnonahbus Ferofina, & Cas 13c. In Blau’s atlas the
u‘î ° n V M P° int is a,fo marked> as ¡t is i other maps o f lefs value,
,*rnch probablyhave been copied from him.
Ofero, which had the names of Affyrtiuin, Apforos, Auxerum»
Aaxeros, and Abojp'or, is the only town on .the ifland, .as far as
I have hitherto feen, where memorials o f noble antiquity are
■aöually preferved. It is built In a triangular form, on the point
of Cherfo, which juts Info the fea in 32. 2 i . o f longitude, and
44. 54. o f latitude, and is bathed by the Eurtpus, which falls
very rapidly, and flows up again in a few minutes. T h e geographer
o f the Encyclopedia, fays, “ it is, a city pf.Italy. fituiited
“ on an ifland o f the fame name, in the .AdnatipV’,.,f,^hp^ifland
o f Ofero, however, is not in Ita ly ; neither does thereby o fO fr o
Hand on the ifland that bears that name. Perhaps the Cbei:a Herde
Jaucourt copied this error, without further examination, from
de la Martiniere's dictionary ; and la Marfnier^ probably. tppk it
from the inaccurate Magini.* Father, Carayißjli, .vyhp Wianted to-
do too many tilings, and therefore did fc.v o f them well,
has however fet this city in its right pTäcg^,,and .tpis^^of
the few occafions, in which that good ecclefiaftick' has chofen
the right fide, between .two, contrary opinion?. The French
geographer, therefore, chofc a very improper time to rcfleCl, in.
fevere terms, on Father Cvwnr&j, .beeapfe he had plapefl.Qferp an
its true iituation. Jifeewi^e ia ; his'..gTO^raphic4;l ¡diCl^pnary,
arid, his ’ tranfiator ^M ..V of^ en , 'b^eyed that |hes cflty
of OfirpEooA on the’iffijnd'of that name. ..And many-years before
them, 'Abraham Berkley, "üie: commentator o f the compend o f
btepbanus Byzantinus, f by an oppofite miftake,,believed.firmly,.
* Magini probably‘took tKisSrror from Dimbfko Mario Ae^W; a geographer
of the 15th century, who has it in his V I: comment geogrnpb-depending. oil Ptolemy,.
and not remembering Mela.
4 V. D i b i i o n . geograph. biß. crit. tie la Martiriiere, art. Ofero, & Eehard die*--
tion. geograph, ab ringlico idiomate in Gallicum irahfl. opera D . abb. de Vofgien.
’IA4 ,,po; 7to?,is lAAopi«i. Hfu&aivos oy$n. Steph. B y z a n t .