A b b e B R U N E L L I ,
P R O F E S S O R O F N A T U R A L H I S T O R Y .
U n i v e r s i t y o f B o l o g x a .
O f the BiJlriEt « / " S ib en icq , or Se b en eco .
MY journey into Dalmatia having interrupted the regular
and friendly oorrefpondence, which we have maintained
for feveral years, you will, no doubt, have fome curiofity to
know the refult o f it. And as you are a lover o f natural hiftory,
and appointed a ProfelTor o f it in that Academy, where it flou-
rilhed under the labours of an Aldrovandi, Malpighi, and,a
Marligli; and being likewife a moll diligent fearcher into records,
that tend to throw any light on the literary hiftory o f
former ages, as well as a good judge, and admirer o f every part
o f foreign literature j there cannot be any perfon fo well qualified
as yourfelf, to reliih the variety -of my obfervations. I therefore
addrefs a part o f them to you, in teftimony o f my efteem and
friendlhip, and as fome return for the -ufeful intelligence which
you frequently favour me with, from your City, where every
part o f literature, and every fcience, meet with protection and
O f