'time s ,3 tKèTyftém‘^ !iÎnd^^i^flîèât^îiïfibitions o f the moft'c6Îe<-
the defcripti-*
,W sréfeiyfetf o ^ l^ | r < } t e ^ ^ f î ï 2à jiflÎ not hèlp thinking,1 that
■hnature7h£ilfibftlfi0iw i ' îIF fÀté^êted 1 *hyjhér chief priefts and
panegyrto?^&^c&rt)c?é!(ï vteliy venWirefo’ affirm, that the fub-
tertanè¥A jiafé ëf'haï&fSf ftiïbîieèd o f much improve-
'WHt,<I¥riil ¿PJii?â$j[ c®fëWaffiiks^<^éli;afcërcained by unpreju-
'‘âiçed’ méhi'ih' t’tdëfable’idea o f it.
~>v,\iv ed} gnirmod ni ncdl fesxe eiom J lift r
1,,yiAittbH|')thSi per^HiiSiioSS: '1uridfetf agrourtdi which’ may give
ÎBthë ^ïëàfui^TO-tfiè ^foÿbyïleàl’i geography; that, which
"Nitfe- td¥dieviiÿW e sîfi-^rt tavefSWi theddfcantamS o f theiGettina,
# ^ f t , 1^ t t fth-Aiftfe»ifi^têtbÎhg-more>thatt. our
¿fhef'’?ùbtèfilàhëèi^'hra'ybl?}'iii îîib bOWëlgfiofothefe calcareous
‘inbühiainS^^Nbaf 'dhé mo'àdhWé^o®! walk adættle way ereit,
^bÜt’^bfê Üre obli^bff'tdbbMdu^M^ftjnaSid-theh.lie! down and
ifee^;jafdh§!¥ftafft5W, ÿddghy aftd3‘dîrtÿipath,i well calculated to.
;jh'îfifif:fhbibdi|e W'^rdihayy^iiridfliy. The common llilHcidieùs
1 <kork§ rwfiïth‘ ‘ihohnd hère1,1 âdë1 as kafioas- and-rnOltiplied as can
:bëi;'defeÿbd' W iiïl:/fo’sÿlipilkcéS,',wherèî-1 there- is- not room for
* foagtffflcbm?#,3 âk'JnHhb ^oftb^-of^ibhtiparbsv-and' the Baum’àn-
'hiah ba^einHff^fA’ahy. 'Thë mbft^chfiOUs,’though not the mort
freuiient Itif’us tiàtùr'jé ‘to -be foen, are'- -Pertain vafes, as it were
’faihiXnéd'îike ià'igè imbricated'fhèifs] okë o f:which,: thatl-pfir-
ticulârly (ibferved, has^he^lvifions above-half a.foot- broad, and
very nicefÿ fohbedv1 'Îhefe-'âô fjSSŸe^oqpon' ttbe jground,; but
proceed" from 'foëIIfcéhffe3£b fIth!iKc4aie,beftdifigiotttwàrds..( The
vafe is not above four inches thick, but capable o f containing a
great deal o f water, it being near three feet high; No art could
form a piece more beautiful for decorating à fountain, or grotto
in a garden ; art, I fay, that endçay.ouired to imitate nature, and
woîuCyUdw»./,« Sift«V »1 » ’ - not
not to adorn it.: ,
Httle more than two
make alfo models.
-the middle,1 and fupro^Bd^yfi^,^tt}e:
above .three or foM P Ç ^ jW gW
that our imagmatipu.ma4 e W p f f t iîf t i M W tW
which they haye, not i f: nature, ^-3$ ¿Ç§§yfb $WîP. ¡HVf0
mafterly a mapner,Th^tj,thpy: ^feyye-^ayti'ç^ç p e
has here been ftill more exadt than in forming the Pietra Ma>-
tematica-at M a r t i g n o i » # * , / « ! I9;F ep i i ,gAover
. the cavern, we met.wifhi'foimiJit# M "
tities. of. -feline Jam m tenhj^ h ^ i f e v r T ^ M f 5 sWn^JyiSt #£‘d
o f a.;fialcareoasXp«s^'P«¥iffih^Wd} ?% r ;l?êWpS te% !S $W d£d '
-on.the furfaee ofrthelwetej Wfe?
cefikmof .time,- h as*. #! ¿ 9. ¿SMe '
■ iDom.’foD the formaJtfen^MhshWiJPh/^Jflfdo 1 J È S W ^ J *
.1 have.-alfo fee« fto 'Ç Ef l i a§ d ^ 0| s l i^ '
fooggia iiri the-MicentiW. . - ^fSQÿiibp^U ^
and brightnèfs. arife,; hfi-e.j^!?\d \thppe
. moil impregnated with
aftually appear, i.at-fw^ibghtj.,
ragu s. Their ihifley jæ & ttP fo . ^ ^ P tR ^ P S l i^
fnow than to refined-fog^fo f f p W t ë & p # 4 .
deceived the celebrated^ p W t t W M i W ?ff
learned- Pafferi, é à Î^ m tà W ém m à È rM m Ê iM
i Pefero, did »«t .impoift .upttW ,ws,2. ,'.f he FbBiWllb^^om^Tev5
not fa well fo ilk d iliiteH t^ lp^m jiSW a i4n^ taM)idaBd330T1|^
i.e jiiinisliioo do sldsqfeo tod ¡rioidt. serioni ujod evods Son si adsv
.figid ised oearij rsar: snisd Ji ,,tU£.w do Issb,,ts3-ia ,.
* V A rd u ia i .X ^ r i Orittm * p t ( , \ * l ° Î rttci ,ïte d W V™ * '
publiihed m m *
pieces of tff.re»-
printed, and rendered more univerfaUy known, and ufeful.