I 302 3
that the river Norin rifes, though the inhabitants o f Prrnork
contradift that aflertion. I took the road o f Dervenich, to pafs
over the mountain Biocova on horfeback ; but it was not poffible
-for me to purfue the journey fo much at my eafe. The paths o f
the high'eft pa'rt o f the mountain run often between craggy mafles,
and fometimes on the brink o f a precipice. Having got over
the top o f Biocova, I continued my route fometimes a foot, and
fometimes on horfeback, preceded by the.guides that the courteous
Voivod Pervan o f Coccorich had fent me. The ioad which the
Morlacchi take on foot, from Zaoftrog to that inland village, 'iS
only five Ihort miles.: 'but they travel with wonderful dexterity,
climbing upthe fte'epifh rooks', and' defednding with furprifing
agility , .from rugged cliffs which Teem "‘impracticable wlthbut
wings, I fpent fix long'hours in pafiing tiic mountain by-a
bridlewayj ■ 'amd at Jaft arrived at the' habitation o f the gooH'VSi-
vbrdj i who 'rebgived; me with ihicefd cordiality This ’haBifitibh
:is bailt’M'the,feral h§-f tokens,''¡afS^rfhd'Turklfemahmbf: Twais"
lodged' in a stow-er part, from which I paile’cl’ td 'diiihef and fif^pel*
in that o f the family. • The wife-and daughterrin-law o f my Hoffc
appeared .fe kifi my hand when hentered,1 and were'feefe'nb ihSie
:t3Ji theomement' of my retiring'from table. T h e :yaung%bmeh
of'thehoufe pkced'theiiifelVesJat the'chinks o f theddorbj tcSfobk
at me and my dra!-tfmen,,as two ilrange animals both in drefihatid
manners, § The vanorablc old man-fat with us at table; and fhe
viiteak,= dreflbdintfc-TisAiih fafhiSnfwe-fe brought
feinm This Vj3kbd'k amipe£faM^-!jterfofliirf‘Ma'fmail diftriit,'and
.reaHy hasmblehtfcwitlisut'fheit M^ngtb^tficJMvated'in a c ityf
in dtilsyduth tnsamnpdfeitetta^akiSiWS^'aid heroick vei?feS.T’ ;'
He talked to me of certain, whirlpools, from which fome-
'in the autumn and fpring, the water ¡flues with great
r 3°3 ]
violence, and in fuch abundance, that the valley o f - Coccorich,
which is at leaft three -miles long, becomes converted, in. the
fpace o f a very few.days,_ into a deep lake. Pervan’s habitation
.is fituated on tb e.bacfeofa hill, and fee defcent.ffem it . t@ the
bottom o f the vajleydSippaCd.emWe ; yet, notwithftandirtg this
elevation, the water rofe-fuddenly, in one night, to fuch an extra*
ordinary height, thaf fitjgained the . -fesond iifery o f the tower
where the go<fe ,pld man lay rand.f t was with difficulty that he
could get out on the other. fid.§t .;.J.. went.to.fee;on*,oil two o f
thefe whirlpools,, which all rpjctnble one another... The brulh-
"wbo.d that furrounds,them, fs covered with mois, ¡raul black con-
Jarva, which gives it %tmj?liBiqhfily look*, i Tbe.iaEgsft, whirlpool,
is twenty feet in diameter.,at -the tap, add a hundred and twenty,
.■deep. In. the. bottom there is always.,water;, and feme years
ago both.the quantity;,anfe jlspd o f ,,it were afcertai.-jet}.,-. .They,
-found .twelve feet water,,tap d, the level; corre-fponded:. wife, that
1 of.the laka.of fewd^ ffid iftanf,,, After feegrqatnriuns -
thffeiwhirlp^lsjioC'jy^eas'jthe §cl%v«Bi»wsxall them,,,;
throw up -columns o f water, to-fee height o f zpifee«. Imr.j.diys.
fee Jake of Coccorich ufcs to rife to its grcatefe height,> which-
■fqraetimes'mc^esds.the.^inary^ meafurgs by, M b d m e ftm the
mating pffa.gw fe e fem tk k
months time the. ground becomes dry. , Aapnodifeious quantity
of life rills out o f the boweis o f the earth., with.thefe giganuek
■ fejjnt.ains, > and. when the watjers .begin toTajl, the'inhabitants,
catch a great deal, with :netandapited‘ to the mouths of 'tW^yhirM-
poofe : The.fmall.Jdep|hr0feavtMemithewafieyTOf:,Gto®b5 fb&tei
vents-. the air fr^tn.he^.i^.badf.afterotheriwateEi finkv dokn.
m amot .-i.t3.ro'M ,t.tcm ^elooqlTidw nfiliso dp sm oi bsifer oH
rifii *3}£.w .ocb ' tgnnql bn.; {tmpftttt A fljoptt