- : '
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the river Titius, above Scardona, twenty four miles from K e d t -
num, which is the prefent Nadino, and reckoning from the three
arches, ftill exifting by the. name o f Suppliacerqua, or the perforated
Church, to this place, the diftance is juft twenty five:
miles. Not many years- ago, there were five arches, two -of
which were taken away „by a Morlacco for. his t own particular,
uie. One o f the remaining three has a chord o f twenty one
feet, and the other two, to the right o f it, about half, as much.-
Time has greatly damaged this ancient monument,, which is
built o f a ibft Hone, like, th& Moilon o f the French, and leis-
comp ait than out ftone. o f , N a n lo ,. or. San Gottardo,.\n . the V i - :
centine hills. Yet the remaining arch ihews manifeftly, that.it
was eredted in the ages o f good architefture ; and i f the rubbiihf
around it could be eafily removed, there is no doubt but d i s proportions
would be found juft. F had a drawing made o f i f
(Pl. v.) but I cannot determine to what purpofç thefe five arches;
of Suppliacerqua have been eredted j but it fée ms that they were-
intended to ftand ifolated, for the channels and cornices, are
equal on bo,th fides., Perhaps it was a triumphal monument o f
five arches. No other ruins,are to beieen there about worthy .;
of notice but large ftones are found buried under ground, and in'
the neighbourhood are. the .remains o f a Roman road. The-
precife. place where-the., arches - ftand is called Suppliacerqua;:
ages, and is far diftant frqm the places mentioned by ancient geographers as near
Burnum. Another'geographer was ftill' more miftaken'in pîâcingthis ancient
city on the river S. Vito, where Tarfatica indeed once flood, but not Burnum,-
which muft have been two hundred rniks diftant from it; V, Scbonleben Carricola* .
erntiq, .et nova,. .