f '3°S ]
V / tie R k tr s N o r ik W N a R e n ta j and o f He P htn over/ow*
ed'by thent.
■f}e? having ..made, a yf ry faitgoing' day’s journey, I found
evening, |n,a cornerof the Venetian confines.
*^at flnff between, the rugged niarble * hills, at the foot o f which
left entirely to itifelf from its very
• it, and eri-
, .cumbered w ith ffed^ ^ n jow s , ap drwlld^el'dei-s. . .. A. finall fpace:
the. roots o f the hiils and’
the mariJi, at a place called Prud, and that is all covered with.
odf^feS ^ an?tent hewn ftonev fragments o f infcriptibns, co—
aLv^r8^***^' hals-refiefs o f the beft age, worn and
, by time, and the. barbarifm o f the nbrtlierh people,,
■'¡iiz to deftroy ^Narona. The. inhabitants,,
to cut *eed&. in the marlh,' aBujre'd me,' th a t ‘the.
that large city may dill be feen pnder. wafer, I t
?ve been extended', over. tbe plain, a great' way, and lihr
\0 W^btedl^ abptie three miles in length'ait’ the foot of the hills.
/T-T ancient road is now under water,, and we were obliged tb/
3 s entl.d Ye.ry Reep road, in order to p&ls the point o f a craggy,
ilgMW^S which,probably,. .before the Roman times, thofe "for-
x im tm m tbdtfCoil Velinius fo much labour", ~ Along'
.. the Pfi-lj.jg^jo.be.jeen the traces^ p f ancient infcriptibns on the.
r?cK The poor hamlet o f 0dp‘, now occupies, the fpot where-
temples, and palaces o f tfie conquering Romans once flood Rand;
. .grand yefiigys ftiM remain o f baths, aquedutds, walls and noble
cottages ,01 the" fiiorlaclt. inhabitants.
Mf, ¡$ lb “y t,o f fine ^ncjent hewn ftone. Few inicriptions are in-
df,ed, now tp be found above ground ; fa great quantity having.
, bee^jtranfpprted.tq italy^ tq-adorn.the mufeums o f the curious.
TfiaM 1 copied!
t C 399 ]
I copied only-two, though jt.. R , EFQbfthJe, rnqrev-tbat
might be copied, and winch, thq malicious lazinefs o f thofe inhabitants
prevented my feeing.^ O f theformidable^ nuroper o f
Pirates, that, in the middle age,' commanded this country, and
~ j$ ' id ; t p ■, lanioa ^ u L ^iQlfI3V3 * *¿13
who at laft, after long apd bfoodV Wars," were'extirpated by. the
• I rtj . I [ •■•, ■ odjsCaui SniSns'siwiofr 8niJ®®tt .
Venetians, no, monument now remains, rernaps, indeed, it
would have heen in yain to hive iboked for'ahy'although the plpce
they pofiefied had bebn defended frbmlhundatibns, 'as 'triple ^rapacious
Corfairs can hardly have been ericoutagefs o f a r ts ,'b u t
rather defpifers o f pofterity, as they were o fih e ir fbrefatlie'rsi
Some geographers, and-Bufching in particular, fay that the:
ancient Narona flood; pereifely on the hill where now is Cttluc, a;
fiiiall, fortified place belppgihg’fo.the Turksej. but this is without
all doubt a miftake, for’ Citluc lies eight mlles'from the ruins,
of Narona., and I f there'aRe,ancient flohes efppToyed in itshuild-
ings, they muft have bee(h trartfported.’ frbih Vtdo.. L a Marti-
niere, and feveipd authors o f maps,' ^ a rk . a icity-"by name o f
Narenta that does not ex iib."’ ’th p Nonn, aRer a Ao rt co u d e o f
fix miles, runs into the river Niirenfa, called Orpnztaoy ‘rorphy-
rogenitus alone, which, augmented by thefe waters,'as. well a.
by thofe. that fall down, from the hills Haxdiie', enlarges'' iRelf
in form o f a lake,' and/afterwards' dividing into 3tw.o greaf branches,
inclofes the infland o f Opus, three miles lb werdowriV T he
water o f the Narenta is brackilh about' this illand, and fbrfcie-
times there is a mixture b f fek Water twelve miles* tip tHe * river,
and beyond the mputh of'^the Norini T h e 'iimkblfahtvs, ’% & *-
ever, drink this Water, and very'probably 'that is pne1 csf'md principal
caufes of the many dlfeafea'ahd'irifirittities tb'Which fhey
are fubjedt. On the ifland' o f Opus 'theVi' yis- 'a' fmail 'Fortified:
¡¿ace with platforms of* earth,' and'near “i f are'twb^H'aifilefs :o f