3&A ofltfaffiratUfs, that ate fiihed up by theinftrument ufed by the
■epfai filh^f^jout.pf the depths o f our Adriatick, give a clear de-
5TJhe ik^letpps of; fi{hes at 55u?kov.a,, which,
ijj.no.^e^^grp^j ijppce o^tip^e will be again under water, tpge-
th.ei\ w^th^h^.ftrat^iin which |hey .lie,, certainly do not belong
to.our fp^.ppfterior, by, much,, to the time o f their deposition.
a(^ie of|^he^jbyjinc.at prefent,yto defcribe :their diftin-
guilhable parts, and.dptpppipe.to what genus they belong, and
Mrfytjh <^jhp,hnowa: ^ecieitthpyirefcmhle moil. ..
«hT lo noinsunilnoo fi ernsoed bns .noiifiuiil bspnedb ctedi jenit
A f^ |l.h am le t ;atfa diftance from the fea, called Verbagn, has
tytother itjals o f ila.tey marble, .in , which fifties :,are alfo found :
bpt in .cwjcje.r, tp have , any, it would ; be nepeffary dp wait.whole
Maei fcsji. an^ employ.,^ °n<g own pxpenc^ the ffonejdiggers,
who. ar,e not fond of thefe curiofities,. Verbagn is two miles
dillant from Varboiea, a well peopled village two ages ago, as
may be feen by many good houfes now in ruins. The inhabitants
of this place, and generally ail thofe on the fea coaft, are
civil and hofpitable. . The chief occupation o f the women is the
culture of the land: and the men are mojtly employed in the
hilling, when they have means and health'to exercife.it. From
Varhoipa to Gelfa by land, is,ajpurney p f .four miles. I found
on the road, a foffil, curiofity, that feemed to merit all my attention.
A good ,part o f the way, and almaft the whole o f an
intermediate hill is of a fluvia|ick concretion, left there by feme
ancient river now loft, or d.eyiated fpme other way, not difco-i
verable at prefent. This concretion which mail have been formed
long after the marble ilrata, o f which the organization o f
the iiland is compofed, is certainly not a little anterior to the irruption
o f the new fea in our lands, which, however, is not an
affair of recent date; becauie the iflands o f Dalmatia muff have
bien, from a ffâtè o f atlcient plaint,1 rëdùcëd into1 rhouhtains-
interfeéled by val-lies, when the'fea1 came to viiit them. Thë
interior part o f Dalmatia,! beheld frefn the' top o f the mounta n
BioCova,- co'tbpared to thë dîlahfl^, '‘HWiidV frotir that height "àr’ë‘
feen ail üriitéd; préfertis' a WiëWwërydikë'tbéhv^wlien'thk fu¥-
rOtihdirig fea’ is removdd'bÿ fanfcy: ' I emptied, indmaghiationj:
into thë VallëyS: Of Bafiinaf-flâfikëd Iférê by’ 'hills; â&f thdre
by tiiaiiWtairisj all thé fea furrouodi LèffiVd, LiffîS,-'Bfàfe&i:
and thé numerous-'Othehlllyfa-ë iïlàndI,3 hhtf Kft' thëm^diy. "'BhP'
fina then changed fittiation, and became a continuation o f Pri-
morie ; and the Illyric Arthrpelago appeared àlftidff 'withoiit âny
diftinguifhable alteration tranfported beyond mount Adrio. 'The
lihall lake of JezCfo Wliich fu l lo f l it tie ifland's'SndWdbdy roClés-
liet: on ihe continent at the fd6t o f Biocoéà, which ftparâtes it
froth thé feâ, rèpireferits in th’e cifëuit or ‘ a fetk mile?/* wfiaf all
that- tranftlpine country would be i f it'were inundated,, and;
what the iiânds were bëfôre theTea^furrourided' themi;' ‘
lfâëlfa i# h ’large and populous'village'. Well fftuàféd,. with'a=
gobd harbour, and plentifully fupplied with freih water. Ic
ftafids" at thë fo'Ot o f rnarble hillsi ‘which', with àhhaly'dèfcéntd
lofe thémfélvés in thé fea. There ohe fees the 'fineif 'Èrèçiïa,
fcattëfëdin tbë'coïffe‘ Jpavèmérit of the ffreets,' ana employed in'*
the iftoft ignoble fahri’cKS / The breccia o f G e lff is generally
compofed of àngulaf1 plëcës o’f white1 marble, fufcépubîe’hX a
fiiie’ polifb, ‘sfe'd’ ühïtëd 'to|dthet6!hy aJ ceiheht'of red petriiie^
ea'rth'l^the’ violèt ëhldufëd' breccia îs'àtfd' not rare,’ ’it is ffainecf
very'iffégùlttlÿ, afid isJWdrthy tp adornany noblé edincéî “Mohr'
fignor Blafcotidh/ bifhop oFMhcarlka, caufed all the columns of
hiënëW all the ftejrs o f th e ‘ altars to be hrought.
ftom th i ï place. The' only defeét that can be feen in ’thëmj.