■returned, the trees gave a prodigious quantity o f M'anna,
which the Morlacks finding ©f a fweet taife, eagerly devoured ;
and feveral o f them were near lofing their lives, by the violent
evacuation it occafioned : fo in a few days thé Manna remained
only a food for the hogs and turkeys.
Dftrovizza, which fome would have the fame as Jlrauzena,
and others, the Stlupi o f the ancients, though probably, it has
no conneâion with either the one or the other, was purchafed
in 141 o, by the Republick o f Venice, for five tfioufand ducats,
•and fome pieces o f land befides. Its fortrefs, which was feated
on a rock, perpendicularly cut all round, and defervedly reckoned
impregnable, before the ufe o f artillery, was taken by Soliman
in 1524, but foon after returned under the dominion o f Venice.
A t prefent, no traces o f its fortification remain, and it is only
a bare, and ifolated mafs.
I have had a fmall view o f the hills o f Oftrovizza drawn,
(plate III) becaufe their tops ihew the duplicity o f the divi-
iions o f the ilrata very plainly, and may ferve to undeceive thofe,
who might too readily believe, that the appearances o f perpendicular
divifions co-exifted with the ftrata themfelves, according
to the law o f «ratification. T h e lines, a a a a , which cut
almoft always, at right angles the horizontals, b b b b , are
fo many vifible proofs of the work o f wailing waters ; thefe
havé made their way down the fide o f the hill, cutting rivulets
in it, c c , which in fome places hide the horizontal divifions,
W È T h e