Miner ale; and Mumia nativa Perjiana by Kempfer, which the
Egyptians made ufe o f to embalm their kings. * It is found
in a cave o f mount Caucafus, which is kept (hut, and carefully
guarded by order of the king o f Periia. One o f the qualities
affigned by M. Linnams to the fined bitumen is to finoke when
laid on the fire, as ours does, emitting a finell o f pitch not
difagreeable. I believe it would be very good for wounds, as
the oriental mumia is ; and like the pitch o f Caftro, which is
frequently ufed by the Roman chirurgeons, for fradtures, con-
tufions, and in many external applications, f
O f articulated P a t e l l f t e s .
Among the many marine animals that are found.in the port
o f Bua, and along the fea ihore, which is altogether encumbered
* “ Mumlahi, or native Perfian Mummy. I t proceeds from a hard rock in
** very fmall quantity. I t is a bituminous juice, that tranfudes from the flony
<c fuperficies of the hill, refembling, in appearance, coarfe ihoemakers wax, as
“ well in its colour, as in its denfity, and ductility. While adherent to the rock
“ it is lefs folid 'y but is formed by the warmth of the hands j it is eafily united
“ with oil, but repels water y it is quite void of fmelL, and very like in fubftance
“ to the Egyptian mummy. When laid on burning coals,, it has the fmell of
* fulphur tempered a little with that o f naphta, not difagreeable There are
“ two kinds o f this mummy, the one is valuable for its fcardty, and great a£li-
“ vity Th e native place of the beft mummy is far from the accefs of men,
“ from habitations, and from fprings o f water* in the province of Daraab. It
“ . is found in a narrow cave^ not above two fathoms deep, cut like a well* out
of the mafs, at the foot of the ragged mountain Caucafus.” Kempfer. Amsen.
T h is defcription agrees perfedly with the Pijfafphaltum or foffil mummy of
Bua, differing only in the privation o f fmell, which it is difficult to imagine is
totally wanting in the Perfian mummy,
f Boccone Mufeo di Fijica, &c. p. 161.
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