that I had fecn In Dalmatia, and told me that it was known by
rthe ftone cutters, under the name o f Pietra Pegolotta, i. e. pitchy
ftone j it was found at Pucifehie. In the neighbourhood o f the
village o f S. Pietro are found, within the hard ftone, befides
the Nummali, many Echnites, and Peciinites; and above the harbour
o f Poftire, there is a fpecies of gray, compaft whetftone
without marine bodies, which breaks in tamince, like flints. At
S. Giovanni there are fungilei and conchce diphia, among the cera-
tamorphous'petrifadHtinsv ;; ;,l! 711,1
The produft, for which this ifland was known among the ancients,
continues ftill in its primitive perfefiion ; Pliny diftin*
guiihes it, above the others, ’forthe excellence o f its kids.* And
in fa it, not only the kids,’ but’ alfo the lambs acquire a particular
exquifitenefs o f tafte, by the pafture o f that ifland, and the
milk with which they are nourilhed far exceeds that o f the
neighbouring countries. Hence the-cheefe o f Brazza1 is highly
efteemed in Dalmatia, and wherever it’Tis known. The-fbeep,
however, have been almoft univerfallyTubftituted in place o f the
goats, by thofe iflanders, as being lefs hurtful fb!-the woods, o f
which the'goats are great deftroyer-s1.“ '-Generally fpeaking, the
the wool o f Braz’zi'is not good I but the ftsektf ef-Count Giufep-
pe Evelio rritift Ife eXtepted, he'h^ingcinlfodueed- a race o f foreign
flieep upon his lands at Pticifchie, and caullng them to be
kept with greater attention than is ufuat in thofe1-parts.-1 - The
f a m e gentlemaff His hot only improved his own k-ilds, by reforming
the abuftl'irf the‘management o f cattle, in agrietflmre,
but has alfo roufed fome o f his neighbours to follow his-laudable
example. The bee-hives, vines, and olive plantations, which
• Caprii laudata Brattia, Plin. L . III. c. xxri.
belong to him, are fo many proofs o f his ufeful application to economical
ftudies, which he alfo knows how to mix with agreeable
ones. The bee-hives o f the ifland are made o f marble flabs
well luted, or cemented in the joinings; the upper flab is move-
able, and a weight o f ftones is laid on it, to keep it from being
moved by the wind; the aperture, before, by which the bees-
pafs, is very fmall. There are great numbers o f bee-hives in the
fame place, and Count Evelio, poflefles fome hundreds- He
ufes all poffible diligence, that the bees may neither want water
nor food, the two principal calamities to which the hives o f the:
ifland are expofed-
Nofwithftanding the ftoney foil o f Brazza it produces a- great
quantity o f wine, which is generally held as the beft in Dalmatia
; this article, fire wood, and iheep, form thè principal revenue
o f the Brazzani. T he ifland alfo produces oil, figs, almonds,
filk, faffron, and a little corn. The Lentifcus grows
there in -great plenty, and the poor peafants make oil o f the berries,
when- there Is fcarcity o f olives. I got a fpecimen o f that-
oil from a gentleman o f the country, and made trial o f it in
dreffing viftuals, but could not accuftom myfelf to its ftrong
fmell. The neceflaries o f life may be purchafed in the ifland at:
a very low price, and fome o f the delicacies may be had for little
money ; ordinarily three beccqfichi are fold for a Venetian iol, ,
arid all the reft in proportion. The fifhing makes alfo no incon-
flderable article, though far inferiour to that 7 O of Lefinaand Lifla;
nor are the waters about Brazza much frequented by particular
kinds of fifti-
The neig©h bourinOg iflands o f Solta, the Oxuv5a of Scilax, and .
called Sokntum in the Peutingerian table, may be confidered as a .