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x'è . t T à r o o a o a y òM h h t à o w o j
.Viy.vri ¿UJUJiT
tesousiod sidsgùfiAsbnì bns fsaminoo n>oy s t ir i« i
sm rinw b v sT ! bns ,b tp r I j t s b brut bstrt-Bsl ym.
luodtl ■ £
.nwonsl oblìi luci won isvtVe io sii ni ci bsJnsupsiifuj arti §nb'fc
losnims biiesvi.10 yn«m }o. ÌuHsbiM sd ì? ismioi ni rlgnoii
sf.ivrb rlpjdw: «enusJfl'uofn arflEkns o* uòf slilhi 1 untino i.
■ nabiq is. .BilBrnlua lo ziisq tónstniIiilkofisd siti ¿ s i sru. mov
itsl risoni sd liiw '(smuoì i¡joy sud , ici'JO-ji’iotA sdì y ri psiAdfidn-
-ssnstsi Ao brrisì yisvs io tsvol b sib ho ? y , s n ini riatti gnid^u'
- diiw tifisi 30n inw’noy Indi .Vlalyiri "ialiti II ylìrn 1 siòìsisiii biu-
Vi 9m ol bsnnsso lid i elifiJsb^irónsv ¿rii y.snuU;siq snidi J*k
ili oj essiuol gli meni ,ainuliT srii io ib i bus itigli si,
-tsigib wsi srii riiiw rissi bnft lon lliw uoy ifiril bus i dJ]Joa■
''VBri I noilsoso ysrn isiisrn io ygoioris adì ri si ri w r8Uc
, gmniBlisinsris lon sqorì i briB .suoìbsl sd oilon bsnjOYisbu
? jswìì nso uoy JuÌEisssulnu svoiq blaorii g-uiowobns ym Ai li >
ssinu ori lon b is I ioì «isllst «idi obli fi ysi .slfisiq soy nifi
• ss ishsvinu iso y io nero s ifiril riiiw io yfòsqxs ol ss sUisi;.
■Ac » iridassis-6Ì‘b sniii ’ <ri slot biondi im m bsabsliic:
S i g n i o n. M A R S I L I,
PAD U A , F E L L OW O F TH E R O Y A L SO C IE T Y , &c.
‘Concerning the River C e t t i n a , the T i e u r u s o f the /indents*
SUSPEND a while your continual and indefatigable botanical
labours, my learned and dear Friend, and travel with me
along the unfrequented banks o f a river now but little known,
though in former times the refidence of many braveand eminent
Romans. I invite you to crofs the rocky mountains, which divide
from the fea, the beautiful interior parts o f Dalmatia, at prefen t
inhabited by the Morlaochi; but your journey will be much left
fatiguing than mine. You are a lover o f every kind o f fcience,
and therefore I may flatter myfelf, that you will not read without
fome pleafure, die various details that occurred to me to
the right and left o f the Tilurus, from its fources to its
mouth; and that you will not And fault with the few digref-
fions, which the anology o f matter may occafion. I have
endeavoured not to be tedious, and I hope not unentertaining;
but i f my endeavours ihould prove unluccefsful, you can always
when you pleafe, lay a fide this letter s for I am not fo unreasonable
as to expeit, or wiih that a man o f your univerial acknowledged
merit ihould lofe his time on difagreeable or ufelefs