where that earth abounds.* Grifelius, who takes notice o f this
practice, had tried the experiment often with fuccefs upon him-
felf,; as I have alfo done in Dalmatia. The Morlacchi are very
dexterous in fetting diflocated, or broken bones, without having
ftudied ofteology. like our furgeons, who, notwithftanding,
lame us frequently, by the rules of art. They perform phlebotomy
with an inftrument like that ufed for horfes, and yet there
is no example o f any bad accident happening by that coarfe operation.
Funerals o f the M o r l a c c h i .
The family weeps and howls over the dead, while they
lie in the houfe, and when they are carried out to be buried,
much in the fame manner as with us. But the Morlacchi
have feveral cuftoms peculiar to themfelves, on thefe
occafions; fuch as, whifpering in the ear o f the dead per-
fon, and giving exprefs commiffions for the other world. After
this ceremony is finifhed, the body is covered with a white
cloath, and carried to ohurch, where the lamentations beOgin
anew, and the praifes o f the deceafed are fung, by the relations,
or others appointed for that purpofe, weeping. After the corpfe
is buried, the whole company, together with the curate, returns
to the houfe, where there is a ftrange mixture o f feafting,
and lamentation. The men let their beards grow a long time,
in fign of mourning 5 a cuftom derived from the Jews, as is
that o f unleavened bread, purifications, and feveral others, V iolet
or blue coloured caps are alfo the mark o f mourning. The
women wear black or blue handkerchiefs, and cover all the red
o f
* Suppl. Aft. Nat. Curiof. Dec, i . an. 2. Obf. 78.
of thek garments with fomething black. During the fifft year,
the Morlack women go, every holiday, to renew their lamentation,
ftrowing flowers, and fweet herbs upon the grave. And
i f neceflarily detained from that vifit, they, next time, make a.
formal excufe to the dead; giving a minute account o f the caufe o f
their negleft. They alfo frequently alk news about the other world,
and propofe many curious interrogations. A ll thefe ceremonies-
are fung in a kind o f verfe, in a doleful tone; and fometimes
the girls accompany the women, in order to learn thefe funeral,
arts, and form a concert truly difmal..
Thus I have laid before your Excellency the mod remarkable
cuftoms o f a people hitherto little known to the different nations
o f Europe. 1 will not affirm, that the account I have given.
o f their manners and cuftoms agrees exadtly with every village,,
and diftria o f the Morlacchi; yet, as I have travelled over a very
large tradt o f their country, and through diftant parts o f it, I
can venture to affirm, that the differences are but fma ll,- and I
fhall think the pains and labour I have taken well beftowed;
fhould this account contribute to your entertainment, and that:
o f the public.