barous ferocity. The current o f the river, hid, as it where, between
high rocks, and the difficulty of purfuing them through
dangerous banks o f fand with which the mouthof it is embarraffed,
were no doubt, ftrong'temptitio'nvtb the'Aimiflansv in.the times
o f anarchy, when they were fubjefts, or allies o f the Narentans,
and even later', when they lived under the Heneg o f S. Sabba.
But in thdfe days,.“ they ardrtotaiiy' changed, and the writer on
Illyrian" aftaifs was' certamiyih'fthd'wfohg tb accufe them o f
being heirs'fo'the bad cfifpodtibn bf'tbefr arfceftdfs." This", other*
wife.lrerpeofabfe autjiorj'ieems,7”cdntrafy 'to the maxiiris of his
■pfofe:flion,‘“ tp have "detef mibed *tb rrritaie a whole horn mb hi ty.
Bpiiaqs this, ,ne ‘pccnmuTatad^To5 many''imftakes in a ';ifeW
'lines, that I .cannot help-taking-nQtice of therb,' to'prevent‘"tus"
'fbaders frorujgiving imglicitTaifhW wfiat'tfiat hafneci'and' cdie-
brated man hAs wroteion the wrqng information o f his' corref-
pbndynts in D a l m a t i a , , j fhall therefore point out fome inlo-
curapies in: the fifftwolump, iwid wpieh .de crouqgd»together be-
twf.ehi-P?ge 154 aP^ hys ,that Scardona is a ft'fohg
c !,i^,,t“Rugh ft ,‘s pe|y renaicept, and. a ? ‘yet has neither "gates
•PPf * -hf? ^ea|ts,of the faith of'the
■’ or si loi'-tr-i I - r-firf -ii vi-- - ! I I topographer
* Scardona. Caihas exigui circultus, 'fig manibus cinlfa, et propbgnaculis ad
pofiilis aggeeffuna fuftinendas, it propagandas non Vrana m,dica civiidi'toii'
Jatis am a no —fortalitii non invalid's—formam accipit-i-Suhurbana latediffundit at fex-
centas facilp domes.complettqnlur. j .Singum, e'Tiluro'iniqccafutn. et a Cltffain boreqm
mans .M ^p p i. qb Cliff* ad Tilurtm
/» ""? f V’P'i/ ‘ u 9‘ ’tif a' J n <""<*'»».$? prarmpto iffid itU v num
m ^«ftdngo fpatwtnif^ftofbffYfocc^um HI f l H cqflltfum 'neque-infiiq'ums, ’
tS p m -isalidiiM—‘Opp'iduds',‘cui ‘nohen e/l DumM— ciiifiriilimis efi Pagus— qui ¿lisO~
mssdidmnV*A\ttu&ir five- Peguntium. flO.lodpvi cqjufdam («field ;fuf ra AlmilTam
.mfinuenijsus, ic mumttonibus fegta. Farlati lllyr. Sacr. Proleg. P. 2. a pag. 155
iW if f j? Concerning ljis «range miftakes relative to Moftar, fee pag. ,6 1.
topographer o f the kingdom o f Hungary, as a city, or caftle-
Hill exifting, and Vrana is only a heap o f ftones and rubbi/b,
uninhabited, and frightful. . Seign, which he fays is equidiftant
from CHJfa and the Cettina, Hands five, miles from the river, and
twenty from CHJfa. There is mo hill nevar .Spalatro that is called
Majfaron, but there is mount Moffor fveb.i reaches from Clifla.
to the mputh of the Cettina. Klivno. is not, as he writes, fitu-
ated at the fources o f the laft mentioned river, which arifes not
far from Verlika on the Venetian territory, but. it is thirty miles
diftant from.the fources, and above twenty from any part o f
that river. Verlika has no cajlellum validum; it is only a poor
village, more inconfiderable than an ordinary hamlet in Italy,
Dumno, or Duvno, is not near the river ,Cpttina, but, at leaft,
forty mountaneous miles, diftant from it, and about twenty
feven from Klivno, Aknifta is not the Peguritium o f the ancients,
nor has it any hill or caftle near it that is called Gladov
bi;t lies at the foot of one of the tops o f the mountain Dinara,.
wnich is called Borak. Citlue belongs to the T u ’rtsj not tlie Venetians.
The fort of Opus is not furrounded by walls, Its ramparts
and platform are only o f earth, MojlarRands on the river
Narenta, and cannot be confufed with the territory o f Montenegro,
which is at leaft feventy miles diftant; its fituation is not
rocky, and its diftance from Claieck. is not twenty,, but feventy
I was hofpitably treated By feveral o f the inhabitants o f
Almiffa, and particularly' by Gtsani Pietro' OdHdlipeoV who
deferves to be named wiihdiftinbiion,. as wgli for the'integrity,
as for the politenefs of his manner^ T b f f t f pf.Almifta would,
be very unwholesome, on account of the.marihes. fortned at the
mouth o f the Cettina, faadtndt nature provided the' remedy in.
L 1 . . . . a