{ i?6 }
horktontally, the cotfrfe, * which the waters once took acrois
that iriafs; may be eleaHy diftinguhhedy-as well as the ochreous.
particles,vwhkh théy dejjofed, by lfttlé»#éd-little, in the interdice*,
'-till -'filled**upli-' -'Thb-Wèrk Bfstheft "ferruginous waters re-
fembles a good deal the te tku kted wor-k-'of the ancients, only
it has hot the fi-.tne folidity, as it-isJCafily disjoined, yielding to.
any moderate force, fometimés to- thèd&ìcwi o f r.ain water, and
tB! -the iba wvatèr dafhing Upon) It. figrAt) The fpace
EE cannot properly-be c l llOd lapidedsisi; -it cen fills of a whitiih
hard elày;' inclining to hide,- and wiehoit-: mixture o f land ; ¡ft
breaks in fmatt piece?,- of.-a finooth »fuperfides, ftrcaked whit
Fldoret'Tyriiicsp i feem, that'alls I or
the* greatelt: pàSrt-òf the Water iBiipr^&a^d Wvfc/erreous ochreous,
particles, and the fparry atoms -Which i-tteoft-have imbibed by.
Ibaking the clay juft mentioned, -had taken '-its courie, and that
fomewhat rapidly over the irregular, way FF , the fubftance o f
which is heCOmd like" to th a t b f tbeveirrGO. »-Several incruf-
tatioiis -df -white' fpar, lortgitudkially -fliri’ated, ’ and femi-diapHa-
r.ousj which,- penetrating -dOwnWardSy divide the fmaller- veins of:
the'rètieitlated work, mahifeftl-y'prove -the' dirediori of the water,,
fometimes fèturhtedwilhciartarbiky.wnd.fom'etimesi with -ochre—
oub-parHSled‘-T.be tea^bditàdafioufly-àgàirìft the roots o f mount
Marian;v which; bbièg-'-ilf»caleùlatèd'fckgéfiftahèe, :àrè confumeb
daily. I t pl-oduCès' thefamé-eifeit Ori 'thè irregular inufies o f
lenticular ft one HHHi and makes cavities in them, o f an- oval,
dr round’-forrh. ' /IHRSSnc^itòr-iràBÈi‘->tMt-!iliié:i<5-1 introduced to-
getherwith'-the féa Hv5te3-,’-f,Undei fhe-pdfdtis fuperficies o f this-
k in d 'o f ftonep-when,' in''calms,' and at row water, it-comes to»
difentangle itfeif bythe-àétión o f the air»; àhd of'the fun, raifes,.
by little and little, fmall fcales, and diffolves them into fand.
This lenticular fand is found depofited in the lower part o f every
[ m J
cavity o f the rock, and ! did not. f^il to take a ,fpeciro^p o f it.
It is remarkable, that.this .kind.of petrifaflion: is, m e t;with fo
frequently in the momatai.tky that ¡gpe^tj]tra£tsi pf.jhem.qaaydxi
faid to be compofed.of -it,, and- tfaat -the !origingl; is;hith?rtftyhPi
to be found-, in .-.the 'feajfe, r.PMnjr.tssikfis-oneijtih» ¡«fo^ legtipplar
fand,. amply extended about; ;thefernpu;s; pyrarpidsjof Mpnjphis,
and adds, thabfan-dsafiiihejfante- qaalityiiistfoqmdiP'^lithe.^eai-;
eft part o f Africa;3:! Heftip it feecps eerittei.p, thaf .-fo^nc fpecies
of fea inhabitantsvare loft, or. that the? eartlr has »undergone
ftrange .revolutions:;,: whereby fome^of■ ijts.paits; uf,e);-now -ftp mo®
underdhe ihme clipi.ateqktlmt.-.they ¡¡wiere, iflt ,{no][ei;.4ift:ap.t
Befides .thefe-:ftn^li/|oftd®/4rrrj,,imduiWAdVlMiaJv l^.rd^,'-iiq,nther
petrifaiftionyat^yftfe^ihiifSjIipepiEpesfi ofsAej.wMtS fiattiih
ral Heintintfjolkkus&iyfifoi a :proniine5Bt; beak,' called by. fiefn.es
CornuAmmonisvcwdickMtfitmimiimi'fyG^ i- ft. s
.»!’ sdi'fefU1-.!? od? - ai-Iugoiii edi'-ievo ylbiqjr» tinfwsiihS
The repeated ocean qns-.- that I»,hatl:c f palling the promontory
of -Marian by water; imp B»j qbferve, with te&i&neiCs,,. the
nature o f its tiift'cicnt-iii-iit.tj-arKi, m ian.emeai'ui-e, to account
for the uncommon difcover, -.in. feyeral
places. A {hprt»mife di^ap;t.-fem;the1ftnaill.}1creeli qbpv£,4e-
fcrlbed, the rocky, ihc-re-ia railed -perpciMUcukriy above twenty -
Eve feet about.the .fvpjfqce-j’of- thpfea, and .runs under . water -ip
the.fame direftipn. - -This fpnd,ft<#e,®f .3 ,‘yellowiih, alh colour
compofes thefeyftrata,,; jpfhlch--/irfrdi%iojfed|hP"??oBtj4|y^ ihqugb-,
at a difta.nee theyefee^n iE^fpeftdicplar,n^d/even*, .whea.qaear;
might deceive one ;)«hPqh^d niSniongiftta^iqe^.wnd the, mod
fcrupulous attention .to qryrftplqgipEl ohfervations. I have frequently
heard o f perpendcular.ftrata.-of-rnarine forrnatipn, ‘ and
v'-afbi) bur; aaU;d ¡Larb- tna -. have
. * Hartna t e f fr fa araan (Pyramides mempbitlcas) Unth fmilitudmc qualis "in ma~
ton parts Aphricts. Plin. Hift. Nat. L . 36. c. ,2 .