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fince they were for-ced to drag foaie fepulchral columns, without
any reward, to the fea-iide, they have vowed perpetual emnity
againft all infcriptions ; and the moment they diicover them;,
they either break, or bury them under, ground,, deeper than
they were before: and in juftice, they ought not to be accufedi
of barbarifm on this account; for there is an eafy way o f making
them becopie, not only preferver-s of, but fearchets for ancient,
monuments;; and that is, only to give them hopes o f fome premium
for their diicoveries, and labour. I found by accident,,
in the houfe o f the Morlack Jurcka, a fepulchral monument, and.
bought it for very little money, which, with-fome other fuch acquisitions,
I ihall bring with me into Italy., I t is no difficult
matter to gain, the ftiendihjp o f the Morlacks; and from thence:
many ufeful difcoveries might be derived, I flatter myfelf L
could do this, as I know the temper o f the people ; and therefore
I have left Podgraje, with an earned: deiire to be able to return,
furniihed with the neceflfary means o f making Subterraneous
O f the Manna q f Cost,ov.Az.v
Coflovaz is-a poor place, like the. other, hamlets o f thefe parts,,
but the woods o f its di ft rift are well ftored, with Fraxzini,
which yield Manna in abundance, when the requifite incifions
are made. The Morlacchi know nothing about incifions, and
were equally ignorant o f the produce o f thefe trees, till two.
years ago, when a perfon went there to try experiments, by per-
miffion from the Government. His experiments however did
not anfwer, the feafon happening .to be cooler than ufual,. fo he
loft patience, and abandoned his pro],eft; yet when the heat