they ad with different degrees o f force. T he nummaii flint up
in the real marble, and the calcareous ftone o f Ofero and Cberjv,
are of the fiatteft kind, and o f various fizes. Many o f them
have above three inches in diameter, and two or three lines of
thickntfs, and are horizontally placed; Ibme others, of a iize
not much 'different, are in a vertical ..pofitiun; .and others are
alfo found in a pofture ibmewhat .inclined. From ,the bignefs
of above three inches diameter, they diminifh by degrees to the
Tmalleft frumentaria or phacites; and to ..fee . this, the obfer.ver
has no need to multiply his examinations o f different pieces
o f ftone, as very often all the varieties are contained in one piece
alone. T he piece-reprefented in .Eig. r 1. will ferve as an example.
The other fort o f marble which is feen -naked on-the fhores,
-and conftitutes the bafe o f all thofe iflands, having conftantly
-above it another ftratum o f about three feet deep, o f precifely
the fame fubftance, is well worthy o f attentive and diligent ob-
fervation. Both thefe ftrata are o f a dirty whitiih colour, fpot-
ted and befpangled with very white oryftal fixations, which fome-
times are lodged between the fiffures o f the earth .petrified by
them, running through the fiffure6 in very minute diramationsj
dometimes they have occupied the place o f marine bodies calcined,
and perhaps in part deftroyed before the induration o f
their adfual matrice. Among thefe, fome turbinati are diftin-
*guiihed, which appear to be-of the hardeft fpar, and a great
number of whitiih fiftular bodies o f the fame fubftance, which
. at. firft fight, might be taken, and which I actually miilook for
bones. The -ftratum waihed by the fea on the coafts o f J/iria
and Liburnia, is compofed o f the above mentioned materials
.and it is evident enough, that the bafe o f the iiland o f Cherfo