:Ruins ^ Si,ona " - - Page 204
■Toe Mmntdin Moflbr . - zo
O f the Country inhabited by the Mcrlacchi _ 2JO
'The Mountain Sutina
Rum■ s of 1E--p- etium - - 2 “ 215
“ 217
T o Sigmor M a r s il i , ProfeiTor o f Botany, &c. &c.
O f the River Cettina, the Tilurus o f the Ancients 224
Morkcco Dinner in a Church Tard _ 2 „ ,
T h in o f Pafcopoglie,Fonte Salfa, Ifland o f O tok, Ruins o f
Colojii .¿Equeniis ' _ _ g
Vulcanic Hills and Lakes o f Krin, the Gypfm of Seign 2,29
Fortrefs o f Seign, and the Plain near it _ 2 .„
g g g g the Cettina, Precipices and Cafcades - 2-u
Province g/"Pogiiza, its Government - ■_ 2-r
C//7 ff/'Almifla ' * - 1 - \ 0
Natural Wall o f Rogofniza, and o f Umllia, the Peguntium ^
o f th**e Ancients . ■ ™ 2 CO
The Paklara, or Remora, o f the Latins - z()Q
T o the Biihop of L o n do n d e r r y ,
■Concerning.the Primofie, «• Paratalaffia o f the Ancients ' j Z
The Town g/'Macarfka . * _ ^
■Of the Mountain Biocova, that commands Macarika „
Meteors in the Primorie _ - _ . ' 7 1
O f the Sea Coajl of the Primprie, Fijhing, &c. ¿ I t
The Villages along 'the Shore— Macarika, See. -
The Whirlpools ./Coccorich, Lakes o f Raftok, Jezero W ^
Defna, and the River Tvehxial
The Rivers NovCn, W N a ren ta . - ' 3° 3
" 308
T o
[ ]
To* A bbe L azzero S p a l l a n z a n i ,. ProfeiTor o f Natural';
Hiftory, &c.
JJlands o f Lilia, Pelagofa, Lefina and Brazza,i &c. Page 319-
IJland'of iArbe, in the Gulph o f Quarnaro -■ . 344
Obfervations on the Iflands o f C herso and O s ero . •
O f the-various ancient Names o f the Ifland - 361-
Ancient Inhabitants ofthe-IJland, Sketch o f Civil Hiftory 374
The Divif;on. o f the IJland, Towns and Villages- - 38 B •
The City gf'Cherfo - ' ' -- 396 ‘
The Soil o f the IJland -■ - 403 ,
Cultivation o f the IJland - - 406
Shrubs and Herbs ufeful and 'hurtful— Catalogue o f Plants 420
Animals. .. 424
O f the Fijhing -• 426
The Lake o f Jefero - - 429
Caverns -and Gulphs ■ . -- . - 434
FoJJil Bones - - 440
Nature o f Marble.and Petrifactions ■ - -- . - ■ 441
IJlands adjacent to Cherfo and Ofero - 4 - 46 3
Ancient Infer iptions - - - 4S0
Letter to J ohn Symonds , E fq ; b yw a y o f Appendix to the
foregoing Obfervations on the Ifland o f C her so and
O sero. 487
Concerning, the IJland o f Pago— O f the Situation o f Pago, with
fome Geographical Remarks - - 4™
O f