®f the natural Wall o f R o g o s n i z a , and concerning V k ü i i , i a s
' the Peguntium o f the Ancients.
The coaft throughout the diftriâ o f AlmifTa is coffipbfed o f
marble ftrata on the upper parts o f the hills, and o f différent
.kinds o f argillaceous earth, and whetitone below. In a fmall
bay below -the village o f Rogofniza, there is, quite expofed to
view, a natural wall (PI. xii) like that which I met with on the
other-fide o f mount Dinara, by the fide o f the Cettina, in the
d-iftriit o f Slime. The point A o f the promontory is of fubverted
vyhetftone, The w-all B is of findftone. The ruins- marked C
a-reiproduced by the diflolution o f the femilapideousearth D, by
which the whole wall is fupported.- At E there is-another piece
o f natural’ wall,, and at F are-new veins o f blue earth. G G G
are alfo wbmlh walls, and H-H I IH other heaps o f marine clay
•indurated,, without traces o fWeftacti. The waters which fall
down the back-of the mountain from the tartareous cruft 1 1 1 1 , ,
whereof fome. large pieces,, that Have tumbled down, lie by the
fen fide.. T he ftone K- is one o f drofe-that-cotiipofed the wall B,
and is two feet long. Thefe natural walls are fo well concqéled,.
that-atfirft fight-they appear remains- o f ancient fabricks.
Four miles to the eaffward o f the fmall bay where I had the
natural walls drawn, thé place is called Vrullia. .T h is name is
common to a-mountain a large hollow, and the fu-bmarinp'
fprings that are feen there. This-hollow is the fame o f which I
have fpoke o f before, and it feems to have been excavated by lbme
ancient-river. The fprings which bubble up from under the fia
are fo confiderable, that they might pafs for the riling pgain o f a
river funk under ground. Vrullia has the fame derivation as the
L i z - word