[ S i * " 1 }
VitikXiOQ mi») i*|> t
After a a a ÿV journey fnfûùgh that1 fiîgBtfaî ill inhabited
country, we arrived at Seign, a fort fituated near the river Cett
tn a which I. Æàll menftotfln^ê tjarîiÿükïfy in another place,
eau t»Mla dJiw agnii Baa «balnsvluq yiiky su , : i ,
. lüÎimd by i^dct ‘'v.sci oî I wfnffc
. À twvpller unwilling ta'pas“raë rame wayj on returning from
Sftgn* ta ùpatatM, may Jàk'e^fhè’ rôacf 'èVRddàffivb, which lies.
ioiqqyvHat more to°wa‘rds ’thè ntîrtft thati Mbjahkâ1 J but before.
hé.proceeds dirëCtîyon' ïh i f 'Ÿ&aff? i‘a“hâtürÈiiï(i: will'certainly.
turn a iittie ¿ut oÎVus way, 'uPordef toŸéè the valley o f L u z -
s33f l3£lÎ rC IQ ll I13X f iÎ 3 d J f l ’Q I f f l i ' 1 ¿fne, ana, flip dèn or torréfif' called;”XrîpàJovo Vrih. " ih, thefe-
places. Separated from fne feahy a vaft chain of mountains, at
lean fixteen miles-brpaetf are found''thVmbfl diitinét proofs'fr f
the ancient feat o f lea waters j anai perliaps,' na. léïs indicia--
table proofs o f the habitations o f men, upon the il rata, which
no,w form thé internal ftrâta Of ïh'é’tiiotiîitaihsé ‘ The Valley o f
Litzzarie flanked by. low/iiins "halfèd (jlavize in Illyrians
Théle lië atinCroots o f à high ftoneylhWnïéiri, add atefrarmed o f
barren mariné earth, iometimes.hi a'whitiib,"and fomètimës of
a bludiih coloup, ' difpofed.'in"very rëguTar ilraia, full b f fbffil
turpmated ffiellsi- and,, in fome places,'' o f vébite, fhinihg, 'Te-^
ipi-p^cjhed^ exotic Bivalves.1^ Ôn the iuperficifel of a iléne, hot
above ^ r Miches^npiare,''! counted aboye'forty1 o f the fame
fpecies and fize. V f® the ftratïj' bowéyër, have not an ëq'ukl'
abundance, nor are they all pf the famé confiftancé and colour^
In fome o f them are found foil'll v’eilîges'of thé iÂigd'înàriria-,
and fome little bits o f thé çoâj of thrift plants. But the mbit
i y <■ . 1 ’ V ' Y"13V 10 l [ u i i'flJ» *“°krî * •> remarkable difference, that ?s oDlerved ift' this marine' ëàrthv ’ÎS
the Very great inequality of weight. Tor o f two pieces o f eqiial
bulk, taken from two différent .fmta, and full of marine bodies1,
that which .contains the hits or ilraws’ o f coal, weighs1 only
half the other, and refemblea thé* cméritious pumices o f ’Vblcanos,
canes» though is does not ihew the fame exterior porofity.
Thefe little coaly or burnt ftraws are not alp aU impregnated
with fulphur j are eaiily pulvérifed, and tinge with black, like
any other burnt ilraw, „ J..ren^qijabpr, to haye obferved fitnilar
bits, o f coal, in..,a,vhoiaFjgr^endeyrqgino)us earth, found in the?
vulcanic, matter .of Mante Berko near .yupnza.'-ijaìW:|or7i nmi nnpn i>m abri; oi aTiqhpèt' Jtatnrawfpàq'ìoio’fJ
the-hdls -°f Ruzzane,app pf.a a^<|Uq^.yajm»«|j^ang lp well di-j
vidpd: by horizqntal jnplipe^, .jrnes^ that ^laj’g^ fiat jplates likéthqfe,
of. Àrdejia, . ox.Eavagn^ ^irtight . |>e taken frorq thence.;
The UttJe.phan.n.els^jCiit by the ^yin^water^ oq the Tfackof thèfahills.,
in defcendinsfinto the .valley, difcover, the internal, tex-f
“ - , , iM w S p n end nnnoi bta ¿bsoid saum «setxtt fissi
ture, and the dupoutton.and colour or the ittata.-
* oft’ .aqetmq ibne iaialnw BsFfo Jssl inetonK erir
:fsji!w .fatili) od? noqtf instn lo .¿nóiifijidad sd?lo alocan -A<L^
Half a mile P S B f e J H W l the,narrow part o f the vai--
ley,, one meets the bpdiofthe jprreppwlled^^tfMta Vmo, ot the
ftream of the family along with it. a very
great variety of matter, .. Among its gravel .theye are Pyrites, and-
Elites, i in, which, the marine bodies remain white, refining theJ
diffolve.d iron. There, are greaf quantities qf hlaélc flinfs,” an'q of
all,other eqlqurs ; piece^ o f yeryvfine Agate^full o f marine bódie.?
j . large pieceSjOf whetftone, braxia; and vqrióiis kin'ds or
fimple calcareous marble, brought qowp from thè tnouniains'.'
Befides all thefe productions o f mineral and marine mountaini,
there are vail numbers o f compaCfheavy pieces o f'L q v a ‘, 'fómé»
times black, fometimes grey;, foflil coal, and bituminousTcÌfliiè
earth, black as the Gagates^ a^pd full of very ^whipé niafiqe hot
dies... Various horizontal inclined yein&*of this earth“ appéar
along the bed o f the . torrent, ■ having,, hoth^ above afià' under
them, other ilrata o f marine(,earth, not very compaCi'^hiit commoniy
full of T’ejlapei. , Further on, the bedj which BecomVs
e'J 3iiJ tàlOttlSteì DrxS JJOJCUO Jfi) iiSii
ìo i , narrower;