a great impreffion on the minds o f the curious j and befides, ft
was known for certain, that quantities were found, not only on
the coafts o f IJlria, towards the Qyarnaro. and in many parts
o f Dalmatia, but alfo on feveral iflands without the Adriatick;
all which ierved more and more to embarrafs the moft fenfible
heads, and to produce much nonfenfe from thofe who know
little, and think they know a. great deal. We went with an:
intention to fee with our own eyes thefe wonders in the iiland
o f Cberfo and Ofero, where we had been told there was no difference.
between houfes,. mountains and burying places,, but in
hardnefs and in years*
We did not find, as we had been-given to hope, any ilrata;
o f bones fo extenfive, as could afford ground to imagine that the-
organization o f the whole ifland was'compofed o f them ;. yet
neverthelefs the quantity, which, we met. with, is fufficient to,
raife wonder and ferious refledtion. The frequent heaps that;
are feen, the lamenefs of the fubftance, the variety of: the pollutions,
and theidentical materials o f the congeries, might give;
taradt of'the Nile, and a great part of Paleftine, Arabia, and Chaldea; and,,
in all thofe travels, was expofed to fuffer the cruel confequences o f a bad choice^
which he had made of his companions. -While he ftaid.at Rajfrtay.. waiting-.for-,
orders from court, he fell ill of a putrid fever, and died in a few days. M«.
Granger, who was fent by the court of France, to travel in Egypt and the kingdoms
round it, for natural hiftory-, had alfo the fame fate in 1734, two days journey
from Bajfbra. T h e news of his death came to Turin about the end of.Oc*
tober 1763. He left in manuscript two volumes in folio, which his friends^,
and all the learned wiih to fee publiihed. A differtation of his de Antipate was.-
inferted in the Giornale d'Italia: but it feems to require to be retouched on the.
I*o we all thefe memoirs to Do&or Genuarioi. Padua,, an intimate-friend, of..'
Bonati, and well known in the literary world.
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