pay Lord, to be able to ferve you in that article, i f ever I return
again to Dalmatia, wiihing to give you frequent proofs o f
my juft and unalterable attachment to your Lordffiip, which the
continuance o f your goodnefs to me renders itili more itrong in
fpite o f time, and diitance.
tI. w. A,iS K À J tiA *I2 Q J l 2 S A A J --il 3A1 A.
-R s v im j 3 h t m y s o t s i h jA R U T A P r %o natzmo'M
YT3 I002 3 A Y 0 3 3H T 3 0 W O J J 3 3 .'A ltA3 30 Y T f e "
. .038 ,ab8' .,¥1003303 3 0
-XAJlS W ,AMI33j .A iO O A Ja i ,.A33I t&ì ¿fuVTOVlfò
w , ó a s a A Ao WsS\l %4i Wa ..aa8 , o i tam j a'Q v4i ai As
li s i' bnfi .nuged ggriirli Jnrij el P s
~jow Jon bnsiieg nr s a s .b sd lin S U lt i stb yarh mbted *Bo A
*w q n ’t a sm b sn iB il s' òi Ion ¿ jb ild u T silt bf'BBjritimq 5® ÒJ yVfi
-IfiO ni anoìjEVióldo ym Jtrfl .Bsbniimbl
-osisb 9is ,¿¿1 Inatte rhs ori? ni gbn’Efii ’anoiamirà 'ori)‘ bBA .Mhfj
-aaonsdlnn yd .bsinavoTq aIW I !àlt»£5sd!%VtbSÌÌiiffltó';’®ftB' bvf,'
-tlov I Jay .aJoiqmdo iiom errarli gnidern &flbii: .¿nmifinl'diiifeb
yrintfw fans bamasl* yrrr ,ooy oi rrts’rfj ftbiiiSq b :al3ib fa tb j:53 jyj
- e l io i 3m §nrrfl)a-3i-1 acft ;ìtó,<tià3hatfolSSfe: -yfre'- '¥ffSrfjivr hnaif'
~oiq 1 ,3on3fi3qx3 .«i Ji gs rloul ,JÌig ym. gndiqlsb Vii .yjHoni
■ens sabluoifiib no ilaioinn ‘'ynarh worf ‘ ,uoy bOwodt 313 ^brfool'
iraftó 'ilnilJntiom: w J P p n P P odw 'JiilSÌtits(t''i'i:é^6ÌèÌ
Vlabmnisybg lo vJtìpdjfjB sd ì yd bsJtóotó. nodw nova 1 fftifw Itolcri
-ISO OJ ,'.Vc<-''\Ya .MeJilbbdl bdl nàilj .Old-fi 13 JJ0U "tifi* JJOV 30031^ ! [' *
'dgfjdir'j^ftof àViri' ^te6io^tì^''|Ì^rn, Ì '9 ^ i Ì ^ i n 1i:V ^ 3 } 8 Ì 3 ‘‘.
id • .» n s io n g i odi bar ytsifiBaw do yonefìnobni ,iie io'so'sasd ■
, T O T I t &
iiiftSJehne’* snj'Ol ^nhQOgiwdydo eonBbnhno^ ' i . t
OF LONDON, &c. &c.
Concerning the Ijlands of L i s sa , Pe la g o sa , L e s ina , and Br a z za
z« the D a lm a t i c S ea , and the IJldndof A rbe in the
Q uarnaro.
T,HOUGH I am very fenfible that things begun, and left
off before they are half finiihed, are in general not worthy
to be prefented to the Publick, nor to a learned man in particular;
and being fully convinced, that my obfervations in Dalmatia,
and the numerous iilands in the adjacent lea, are defective
and uniatisfadtory, becaufe I was prevented, by unfeafona-
ble combinations, from making them more complete, yet I venture
to addrefs a part o f them to you; my learned and worthy
friend, without any apprehenfion o f your ce-nfuring me for temerity,
or defpiiing my gift, fuch as it is. Experience, I prefume,
has fhewed you, how many unforefeen, difficulties and’
delays a naturalift, who travels among the mountains, often-
meets with, even when efcorted by the authority o f government;
and hence you are better able, than the fedentary literati, to calculate
how much time I muft unavoidably have loft, through-
changes o f air,, inconftancy o f weather,, and the ignorance, ordiffidence