k \%\ 1
;Cont^i,atioj)/io^]BrazzA? .tlpqgh it ^of^npt^depend on th e famé
gov^p^viij b ^ ip ^ t ^ S ^ a J ^ t r ^ .^ q ^ i a çiyiknà^ cccleiiaftical
Hi^*vin?$!$3liVÎ rî5 î% S f l? i l7 f a^ia' i n h a b i t e d
by rabifes. Sclta-,is about twenty-four miles round : but cdntMns
p-i Mwa ,3s(;i3'i do ^OBiq si© gnustpsnoin iaq sikvniiijon lavo-
^jnj^jûfag^^ b çjnç¡^alni^ft qui te, soserep with, t woods, 14
yvhjch.ipapy vipers are^roçagate^ as-jwell as.in thofe o f Brazza,
J t^ ^ ne^ ^jema t^ ab^ aoodjj^d^imnp, ijdjpeÇl inf/tridur, to thiat
o f Spain or Sicily. . . : ,
./¡sriKrm 10 its / i ©dJ at nay© ,,n om B ) f l yhm w bos ,bioo ,sin>l‘
_Dm/)noo3riî yd .înabiv© ,i3vo3iom .s i î l ,bnuoi ad tun bluo:
■ n6 . g^ A R ^ E ^ ^ e ^ ^ ^ p U , 4 :RNARp. :
»Kff is 'a ttrrlble'godgraphical leap:.ftom:the iiland of Bfazza to
thhttef>J\a4 ig<» to f t ,a'foünd£ed;and:Jfweniy:miles;diftant. But
»(ytet ;CMi ïffay;fc LcjravHlers b y fea: fomfeftmermakecfnclK kapsi 1A
ftïave aîreadyÀvfote whatdStrle Twasnkble.'toîiobferve scqncerning
•the' lefi'ef «fltçwfe in.thè:feaof:Sebinico, ;and:Zara; and o f Cher-
'SP, and' ©&Ry Iihajk-ikiditoor^. perhaps, .than.diieretioa:requir-
'êdyjcj.^lyiiéiaslkddÿ.tîhéfflihqr-iflands-ofythe^Qnarnâro irijpaf-
iing ; and Arbe is the only one o f which I can. fay, iomethriàg
not altogether ufe.lefs,
too ,fcfleüî ¡IsnB a lo isïiqsn ©rfs dgaorfi t©diA 1© adT
3ldi3IHi^illMidbt«is,3ï0tâeiHnowBi ’^ijcrthe .ancient geagr<3phfcr®yoÿet
■J.i, iitrinieatijÿiEl'&ÿp Heafe«jp:Cirf3rBidièrplrpr(3geuti'ijs! g .in J?;t»ld-
.feBJldi’ffoiougb foius^'Siakçrfif'iit&iîrjçjfarrbiéÈS; bwherqbÿathe» t&xt
fe|sjbict\«8terediavthej iife^iji®Gi^Jd sfe^i^eeSc9/4i?ba:j; add
lê'S&^ie$^»tteih«tsdi üi> if fa rAtfeiftarçfljiQoiôiafP-î s ri îigfeî
; J bêSÎpg^rQHnéjria fePÜSÎ&îtefe tk irQ d ^ ^ s is r t fs i rfw°
ifldïd^'jidheig ,ÿj t-hi# g ïp g ffajsfefifbfey
^ h jp k 'Jb è ititjoh fe ifljpthis confounded with tbjsflin<»f4fi-
,;.yüt;cd3 gfifkdçfqjt,, iflà sd 4fi^?c4%*iF<54tigtlptiiS .to,the. ifttod ,pf g ago.
m .the Roman .times, it is probable, that there.¡TOtftiAP i t lfe i f
sdT ’ X Y
cities in A rb e , b u t th at w h ich bears the name o f th e iiland, in
th e neighbourhood o f w h ich anc ient monuments are freq u en tly
dug up. I vifited the pretended ruins o f C o len to , b u t cou ld d if-
cover nothing e lfe b u t the remains o f a place o f re fuge , b u ilt in
barbarous times, thro' the fear and weaknefs o f the inhabitants.
N o r is it poflible th at reafonable men w o u ld hav e e ftabliihed a
place o f conftant habitation, in fuch a fp o tj fo r a more difma l
fterile, c o ld , and w in d y fituation, even in th e h e a t o f fum m e r ,
cou ld not be found. I t is, moreover, evid ent, b y the conftruc_
tion o f the walls, th at the work* was done in grea t h a fte j and
the veftiges o f the g a te s difcover the tneaneft arch ite itu re j there
is not one h ew n Hone in the ancient tafte, n o fragm ent o f in -
fcriptionsy nor a piece o f fine m a rb le . T h e plans o f th eh ou fe s
o r cottag es contained w ith in th è w a lls , do not feem to have,
been defigned fo r th e habitations o f familie s , th ey are fo n arrow
, and inconv enient. I f I was an A rb eg ian , I w o u ld lo o k o u t
fo r the veftiges o f fome o the r c ity th a t m ig h t do more honour t a
the founders o f it.
T h e c i t y o f A rb e , th ou gh th e cap ita l o f a fm a ll iiland, not
above th irty mile s round, w h o lly uncultivated, and unin habitab le
in th e h igh e ft part th at faces the chann e l o f M o r la c ca , has a lw
a y s maintained i t f d f w ith decorum. T h a t it Was inhabited
b y c iv ilised people in the Roman times; is evid ent, b y the in -
fcriptions that have been freq u en tly d i (covered there, fome o f
whibfi"#re'iio'W '%*' the colledlton "of r iie 't r o b k V en e t ian Jacopo
Natii, and òthfefè'ftill remain ht A r b e .,jiT n the low e r times it
fuffered a ll the calamities' to w h ich th e 'n e ig h b o u r in g countries
were fubjefted, b u t i t y lw a y s recovered it f e l f w ith h o n o u r even
a fte r diffo lu tion. :
T h e