and; femetimes by-.that of glijiine Jlonogbe, or worms with a hun*
dred feet. Thefe'poor- infedts in the ifight time, when the weather
is ealm. difplay -a: very bright, filver. light, which probably
is the: caufeapiL-thcip deftrujitiajp, , f k a y o ,femetimes beheld them
with /gfestipkafure- movingabput-in .feallow water in ,the dark
nighty,-of fiim'dier.; jift „ ¿ ;o j 0 eftd'diA aid:
oi aiom smut U i^rf: bnn brie ,aananaqxa yd id go, ; nssd'jv h
I Befides the two kindsof fiihingmentioned, and the trait a,
bftdrag.aiesv they ufe other riMts fjoriCatching' thegbirixt, a, frnalj
fifh of little value; and ufed by the ¡poor people only, for food,
or by the fiihers of muggini for bait; . The gbirize fifhing pon-
tinuesialrfsoiLall the jteKf hup that df.tbe muggini,' only during
the -Autumn ,pn the coaib of - Primorie, Trhofe fifhes,9in .great
rains or hoieal-winds, fwim in ifhoarlsiAbout!the. mouth -of the
riVpr Narenta, where they meet,for;cbp^latio5i. ThetPrimorians
fifh•forth'femuggini with one boatiandlBine men, by day light;
tWov5fentinrfs aig placed on:fomeieaiihen<:eio,n theihore, to ob-
lervC, by ' the motion of the waiter, from what »part the fhoals
CGmeyAnd to Adyertife the peopleaiKthesbuat; who dexteroufly
thrb-Wtheir net iathe proper fituaijoh and moment. t This fifhing,
“thoughof fhort -duratio-n, is generally fuccefsful, and frequently
thd'lfeats '-return home quite ful fenin a few hours.. 1 The
PHnfbriabs^enCAally ©peri? afod."fait ’tfye muggini, as the-cuftom
is1 at Cbmacchib; hut the fifh is larger in Dalmatia; and at
WaeArfea1-particularly^they extradt-’tbe fpawn, which being
tfried iftuthelfiim^kfiepfe long, and is,-a delicious rnorfel. They
afb,shy nicS3pAIStesvn#eckoned'evenr^i£ii-et<iefi*:ate than thofe of
"©reec'e^thOb^lS a&S fe larger ¡jd doom ntag. fifuow onhArn it
Origin; itrli sbmilo as^sinsvhe. sdi fine ¡finboiq 3iftTo'nbijc:.v,-
^ It is not Saty YjdAlirUjAte the qfiftfifityWiialted fifh circulated am
nurlly Dyih'erfrfriiSia'ns’^ that btifidefAb'fifi^ ‘on a very bad footing
frig over all Dalmatia, as it is alfe ih othed places where the con-
fequences o f fifhing arc much more worthy o f confideration. It
is, certain that the inhabitants -of MaCarfkfe though in reward
o f their fpontaheous ‘dedifiori tKey^efijdyj fevefal privileges in
felling their produife a'f^énÌeef!;geheMÌy°é;Smeh'P:AheiafeAvds to-
fell their fait fifh to the fubjedts o f other ftates. They fay?,1 they
have been taught by experience, and find that it turns more to-
their account, to treat With nrerehatitSrC)fefhéiJ®apolitan ikiPapal
ftates, than with ours* »'iThey alfo feyp that vwithin thefe lad
twenty years, the fifhing is greaAty dimiirifhed,. and thàt the
profits are now hardly equal1 to the! charges. 1 cap fcarcely. believe
howeverj that a real feafcityrof fifh if the Caufe of.ihtSbiiOr
that they do not «omè inacquai pleàtyiàsoformerly, etto ,fegk:for
food'in the channel o f Primofie;;: though,that is hot-at allùm-
poffible, and may perhaps be owing to the deferioraticai iofethe
ground or bottom near the ihore, by the quatvtityof earth: o f
difagreeable tsfte, and o f barren gravel brtmght down -by. the
waters from the mountains- firipr o f woods, "¡feet ir-.fee-pfs mcjre
probable,. Ahat the- general, and progreffi ve decay !of popufetion in
Dalmatia; is tltó -principal caufe of -the decline >p£ {¡h^-fi-fhing,
7\ect:fiity obliges them to dinainifh, year after yeax, the.numbpf
of fifhing boats, and that;.- of awrtfe; leffens the number o f boi if
fifhermen who have courage to- beat-the- fea.y and to, catch, tile
fifh even in cloudy nights; as they ufed to do formerly. . It-would
be notionly ufeful, but.neCeflary to, p ro m o t ey t his - bufiBefs by
proper encouragements, and thereby, to jocrsafe-thequmber ©fT
fifhers to fuch a degree, as to in ce tncaodte pne, ano thee., ,-,T he .national
marine would gain much by fueh a plan, bcfidss.the.riug--
tnentation o f the produdt, and the advantages o f trade that might
be derived from it. Your nation, my Lord,,- affords q grand example
of thp importance o f fifhing to a maritime power. I t