f - 9° 1
kind o f pearl o f a leaden colour, and that kind o f f i lk o f which
your Lordihip has feen fome manufactured in Dalmatia. Ye t a
naturalifty who chofe to employ himfeif entirely in the iludy o f
Ihell fiih, and Zoophytes, would find, ample provifion for his
«mriofity-in-the bottom o f the Adriatic^, .and might colled together
a great number o f good, ohfervati&ns, - in which, to fpeak
plainly, Marfigli and Donati did not proceed-very far. The
Honey and woody labours o f ¡the Polypi are certainly very nume-
rous and various in thefe fubaqueous depths, and now and then -
fSmé pieces o f Madrepores ' and coral are found in them. The
coral fiihing has been for fome- years pad on the decline,: perhaps
through negligence, on account o f a feries o f - unfavourable
combinations that have difcouraged thofe who farm it.
Concerning the* Villages ■ along the Shore to the eajl and wejl o f ;
fdïôft* i ’ :-!-. ¡ M a c a k s i c a í !• • • ••
A t the jittle; village o f Hr ella, which hands on a height by¡
the. fea fide, near- the Vrullià, whicñ is prübabfy ' the Peguntiiim
o f the ancients, and the Berullid o f Fbfphyibgéhitus, the territory
o f Macarfka begins. The fmall extent o f ground, that lies
between the foot o f (the mountain and the le i, forming à narrow ■
ftripe along tlie (here, and alfo the conWiious hillsi; are very ill
cultivated ; the greatefi part i§ le fffb r pafiure,;.thoiigh it might
be employed to much greater advantage by- planting vines. It
is true, the nafcednefs’ o f ' the mountain above’ it. juftifies, in -
fon^meafure, this' negle« o f thélíhóral "ground. Yet inot-¡
withftanqing the'tOo fre^ en t’ila u s^ o f'th e^ & w ,. all.the 'Ma—
carfkanfP .r mor i f béats olives,..vmes,' and other' delicate fruits
very well ; añidióme o rthiflait arp nbw'b'eginnTng to be introduced
after pie.eacample o f the Poglizani,. wlm cultivate them.
t 291 ]
5In their diftridt, and form an article o f trade, though they have
not yet acquired the knowledge o f meliorating th e ' fpeoics: by»
means o f grafts. They-however have excellent Mudafc/je, a:
kind o f cherry, the mil-of vi%ich gives- a part-i'euto fiavfihfi id!
the fpirituousliquor known by the namec^f -Mth-qfebfaoi. ;i)&
which a great quantity‘is diftilled in Dalmatia;' and efpeeially-at;
Zara by the Signori Garferiiga.b.o ¡KncCl fenfe rD’rtnsTVi /¡mclo-
nisiasn era iqyloT ads do nirodal yboow hue vanofli
Next to-the olive tod* vitae;oAp': fig smd’ alm&ndjtfeg^icld.
' the moil confiderable produce infdrati diftridL; IdTfee -eujfqrerpf
thetwo firit kinds is -not generally well underilocrd• there j ;<far in.
one-finall field they ufe-tempiantr, . withot»fc:ajg£'::Oj^erri-i:0.1iy|,s,f
-figs, and almonds, among ithe: vineS-h > tivafi laft the
diftance o f two feet one from the other, and the fprigs are left
'tofpread o n the ground without any fuppariv..; Thevyeqrly produce
of the vines does not‘amount, one -year with another, to
above-four per^enj-.ikf npceijCary deduced., ^ h q a ^ o f
;-the: vine-do»'^qt.|Wf;fc4 'l%iyrfX?®:iN' ■ ISP wiTemblage Gy
many trees, which dr^wt* tji'eir jnqunihment from the((f;ime
ground, caufes it to decline mucji. fooner; and fo mpch the
more, becaufe-it .gets no manure, in confequence ofi(he(favage
method of thofe people.of neveyhoufeing their ,cattieV andof ind
'fcarcityof fodder. ft.does/not
anfwer to plant n<pw onesunder the ihade ; not, 'pn' the other
hand, does it turn to account to rqot out the fruit tr e e s J 'T h e
Primorians, in this cafe, ufually fqw the. land, and the time and
-labour they employ is (geqera|(y!(iti r ep fi^ b y th p crop, ( Their
.plows are fuited tp.thq jmaUnels o f (tpdr oxyn,( anq (go (to “very
little depth in the ground.'' Thjs( jgnorance in agriculture is ge'-
•neral, l?fs or more, overall tlie. province, and hence; the people,
after much hard labour, is reduced to live-fome month’s
P p z every