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I'ac .XimOtutrdy'-ft.
*T eighty iladii diftant from the fea. There, the Marii, a race
of Illyrian people, inhabit. Beyond this emporium there is e
‘ f vaft lake that reaches to the confines of the Autariati, an Illy—-
fj lie nation alfo, and in that lake is an ifiand of a hundred and
" twenty iladii, o f which the fields are excellent for cultivati--
“ on. From this lake the river Narona ¡flues.” * I f one were”
to fay that the text o f Cariandenus is corrupted, where we read
■ti ucru Tx spnropiy9 and that a reading o f contrary fenfe ought to
be fubftituted, then the whole matter is adjufled. The if!and”
mentioned by him would be that o f Opus y the extent o f which
agrees well enough with the”hundred and twenty iladii; the lake'
would be found in the ample fpace occupied by the river,, at the-
place where it divides itfelf to furround the illand. T h e empo--
rium Narona was not1 above eighty Jiadii diftant from the fea in'
aright line; and Pliny was miftaken in-placing it at a greater-
diftance. But without altering the text o f cylax, it may be
fuppofed, that the lake,, o f which he fpeaks, was the plain o f
Rajiok,-\ zn&Trebifat-, which'very well deferves that denomination
in the feafon- o f the inundation, and which from there lies ,
detached a large trail o f cultivable land, that forms at prefentt'ne:
richeil part of the territory oi-G/iubuJki. In this cafe, the author mufc
have taken the Trebifat for the Narona, as the former comes down
from thofe plains, and falls into the Narentm Perhaps alfo the-
ifland, of which this ancient writer mentions the fertility, is that
trail o f Narentine land which lies between the Norm and the
Narenta, and which might very well, in ancient times; have been
* Scyl. Camnd.' inter Geigraph. min. Hudfoni. pag\ g. -
■\ One might be induced, by the greater analogy of the names, to^beliere thatT
the Par^T&K of Porphyrogenitus was Raj?ok, and not Ztiojtrog y : but a* Ru/ict*-
za9 as well as Macros,. is placed on the fea fide, and faid to be a place o&
¿firing, it cannot reafonably be taken for RaJiokr that-lies within ,