have read the defcriptions in more than one book o f natural
hiftory ; but hitherto I have never feen fuch ftrata in any place,
which, when well examined, and near the. eye, have not made
me diffident o f their apparent perpendicularity. I do not think,
that a peice o f a mountain overturned ought to ferve for an example,
that being purely an accidental cafe ; fuch as the ftoney
hill o f Salarola, in the diftriit o f Caiaone, among our Paduan
hilk. Tête line o f horizontal divifion o f thefe ftrata, near the
port o f Spalatro, is almoft imperceptible, i f beheld at a diftance;
and fo much the lefs obfervable^it is at firft fight, becaufe, either
through the unevennefs>or disjunftionof the inferior ftrata, or
through the filtration o f ancient .waters,), the fhore is cut from
top to bottom, by large perpendicular clefts, give it thé
appearance o f an.aggregate o f pilafters,, Thgecofion o f the fea
water divides the furface o f that fand ftone into rhomboids!
curvilinear pores, like thofe in.,, the,ÆCjkts..DJpD.D, El, X.
and its origin is the fame as theirs. The only remarkable difference,
which I obfervedi iSjritba.fithciiChapnels, or pores,- in
the fand ftone, which furraund the rhornboidal divifion«, are
concave, whereas in the veins D D D P they are prominent.
The different :pofitipn, or rather, feclions o f the veins, which
otherwife arc o f the . feine nature, produces . this, different phenomenon.
Thofe o f .PL X , receive the force, o f the waves
in front, and thofe nearer Spalatro receive it on a large extent o f
flank çxpofed to the fea,; The Country houle o f Count Capo-
groffo, pleafantly fituated on the height offthe coaft, is the confine
o f this combination which is interrupted by another creek,
whofe chord is about two hundred and fifty feet. The curve o f
thiscreék is formed by irregular ftrata o f fandy clay, o f a blue
and yellowiih colour, femi petrified, arid divided in feveral places
by horizontal fafcies o f ftone,'which yields to theadtion o f the
air, and fea, fplitting irito pieceS o f nearly a'cubieal frirrhi The
further' extremity o f the fmàll creek Is1 o f hard fand;ftone,: and
forms a little promoritófy,0 b'éhriid vtlìi'ch-thHt'e' is"àriot‘hèr*rireèk>
bounded by a point almoft entirely marble. Thié alteration’ o f
clay, fometimes moréf fometirries lefs ftoney in the finuofities,
arid o f hard rock’ in the pròmohtoriesj. whìch conftandy goes on
almoft to the irioritht Of'tHè'tfvè? NatéritàVIhlPnSarbletricks, that
in many places appear above wateK,' or are feen very little uiider
the ordinary Level o f thè féaf and-the ftoney iflands ftretched a-
Lpng the continent ò f Dahriàtia, to- tho 1 right and- ’léft* p f the-
promontory o f Diomede’; retain'fiidh ftibfig'veftSgei * d f ancient
continuity, thal^àn^^fò^t^fiàririot'hèl^-fufftifing b is1 thoughts
to purfue corijeifttir^s', Concerriirig-the reVcflUtiriris Whfch cmriglcihev
has undergone, "and ori the different appearances which its parts-
mhft have made'in feìribtétimés.. p 011 ' t>3hl ¿eomq •ii.ei-ulivt.
’'^ih’yhJihrKdsm ylnerorlT- .aiio’rij ?.b srniì odi si nigl-o a i fans
-In. the waters :'th8£fcàth6'tRiStra<ft o f fliorc, and receive :the
finali fiyer Saloha, the’ftf ought to be Pettini, as la r g e <artd;òf as
exquifite tafte, 'as thofe o ff -WeieÌUn^ xCelebrated at the tables o f
the ancients. Oribalius makes particular mention o f th em ,.an d
adds, th a t, in ffié f é à b f 'D i l t r ià t i^ 1 the moft precious- òrt&Òhtf
marine (HaBete?) *1? khiiwtv ¿pedes-' o f 7 thri' %epbt, bvfttè» r nfl d :
he fays their fauce is made o f Cyrenian ìiqiiòr, vinegar, and rue.
Of the P o r t , . C i t y , ¿«ffTiTRRARY I I i s t o r ^ of S tA t 'a 'i io .
On the ihoreof the port o f Spalatro, to the righf o f the, city,,
lie the numerous habitations, and. well cultivated fields; o f y the
fuburbs. Among thefe,. particular, mention is. due to the,, pof-
feflion allotted for the experiments, and meetings of the focie.ty
o f