T know not the manner o f aitioiv of the lea- around your ifl'anth
in parts at. a dirtanee from thè mouths o f rivers,, o r torrents,,
from which it does notTeem realbnable to draw any. conclufion,,
becaufe the extent o f thè latid fs’ tod-tdfibly partial. But I know
that in the1 Baltic, i f We believe the teftimony of Cellius, Dalin,,.
and-the celebrated Linnseus, the dry land: is expanded, and ther
fea retires, manifeftly fubfiding in its level ; though-by a ftrange-.
fatality, thp theologies-of thè1 north chofe to interfere in this.bu-.
finds (and yet they fpcak ill of outs-for meddling with fuch matr-
ters) and made fo much nnife- in contradifting what the above-:
mentioned ©bfervers had afferted, that one knows not what to believe.
But I have luffered myfelf to ftray far enough from tho
Primarie without thinking of itVrlèt.us-therefore leave thofe gentlemen
to difpute as long as they, pleafti, and vve will return tu
our waters. -
The hihing o f fardrfie"'and. madKreF.^itf'&é mod plentiful,of
any On tne17;cóaft 6 f the'Primottfel.: i’Fhfejr'catcb thelè.filh in the,
dark nignts/and decoy them by meaiis o f lighted: boats,, which
carrying at the prow, bundles o f burning juniper orpine,, and;
rowing towards the flidrèp great number o f filli-fallow them into»
the YfetsY Tfack òEfHefe'/neìs,~ Which are called- dìt: tratta, r e -
quire~ three "boats'; èSV%gér£'thàÌ i h ’rSSéfHh&'Jróttai anduyvm
other's Furiiflbèd With Faggots"; by the-lighf -of which the filmare.-
ertticed 'rnio'fhe^&tS. ‘ ‘Every tratta 'his thirteen men, who become
good ieamen after “a* féiv yéàfsPbf slhat excrcife, whereby,
they stfel6ftòrf>x^fefftb‘^m!§cr!'<vi0Pitó’aateii'ftor«iis^ or to-Over-1-
cbrh^'pyìth^Fòtèèi'h¥''cmrsv;thè'l8h!tm^y%f calms, ■ currents,’ and;
coriffary' wìhd?. '--Ì& former tifties, thè'àrt-df filhing flourilhed in
D alm a tic i'hut everfirtce the‘ produce o f it has been, through
priiSnr on the decline,
Jtmoag other, impediments to the propagation Q^fh^fii^yrgji fhc
fcarcily and price o f faggptgis l^poine^pna;,,/qri;^s£th!';y,afxclur.
lively,. make ufe of junippF . apti.pin^^tp
thefe two kinds o f vyppd amjjo^v ^lipqijv
from the littoralrnopntaips,. and ¿p^jl^ll^nd^, . ^n^afy.rpn^d^
might be. found .for this inconvenience, by^fp^i|:ii.tipgap ;v^e^l
contrived lantern, like thofe ufecl, by the ^ ef c h ^ p m | ;n jp .th g
Ivl.edi.terr.anean, -who aljrQ!f ilh fp f^ fip & japdjjmac^r^in. the.nightv
This remedy would dipye no incpn^dera|)l!?f,part.p^thgi.e^'pence,
necefiary. for a tratta^ . ^nd.fe^ver .hanejs, ^vpuj^l ^al(o,bei required s.
a,p}ajprial. arjide. in a ppgntry,^thinly .
orb moil rfgi/orp i/ft yrnfl oi llii (in .baiiftiiipysd I ruH .avail
, ,rpiS;feafp,n; o f g M j H W i r S f f ! m § ? S W f
the.ifpringj,:,and-;cpntinu^..ail fn n a S ^ M d 4 gsM:Bai(i* Wsimft
autumn,, excepting a few nights before and after fuJf^mQQn,.
which are too light. T he filhermen pretend to have obferved,
thatjthp flioalsjof h9ihiith<q3^b9yfi--i?egtipppd,,hih^9,^51_F50iO-fhe::
mjddlp.of .the.gplpi^^njdjlpfe thegjfplvfS.iq the
they am.particularly cgta^i^inds o fjh z jr jifa 'h w jn g ,,
called, by,
tome floating, to the dioret, t|ip m^c.iyref j a n d , P . u r i u e . thcrp
greedijy, ihew.ing
congenerous gelatinpus .animals, ^gf which a gr^t- y.ariety. is jg | g |
found in the ,netis,,.-;Bnfltjs.ye£y.i di^cult toyg^fepe, .tbetp^J^-,.
caufe, vvhen, pm pfj j f e e . j ? f >
mrjka^uk^ feihV
imbus, and ¡fwim? ,fhpuf,|r^ljya|g^?J
dra, little more than^n,, ip g J ^ ^ n d ja ^ f ¡¿qngj t|^r
filhermen by the -geperai .denpf»¡nation. gffiWr.'Q;'. w9i“ ^