THé depth o f trie' Primorian fea is unequal, but'generally cen—
f.derabie i.n the middle o f the channel, which divides the continent
fr.m tire iilknas',; ' where- it ièeins to be above a hundred!
aha-'Hfty fathom., T-uP itf-éhe'ljay or ifatent'ay and- between»
S-iofonçeJicKând Leflna, the depth is- much lefs,. and the bôttoiru
may be^fien-in-'cahn weather..', ' I'happened to fee in the Waters
oPGSpe'-Sr' Gedigê Lefina a thing, th a f fohy fer.ue to. give fome
idea'.'bf thd^nerSàffiorg'rdiêmbf mpitie'-bottom^!1 by the'accef—
frSfbf'itefHSeoiPs antfpJcflypou53pfodnàddhs;' " 'tirât form, a cruft-
thêrèpnof'wffircb'Dünâü‘ trhàts' in h ïi 'Sà£gh;3i SttfHa 'û'àturale-
ivriteiihP u ghff affofdong'Tùbaquëotis obthr!
w&rif?^?1hecmfÿâ''coPifcÎddé” èHstt'ûffi SRaièüé-ci !the fêa are.
naiEa. H. ÎSVet ih'fûmè pFSpar.tiSn1 to^he^éiÿhïpfoddcPd. ■*&!*thé
bottom. BythPiipphffaPidrPsbfridèr^^ iiSî'By'^Se fchulFjuffidaih--
taonèd; tnaffhehaa'foùndin hhrïôüs.'plàcifeviiàHd; efpëèiaîly under
the dëépëh tv’dtfer..' I, lîialf fôfbéar to eJtiihirfe whether, "in 'rèâlity,,
thé1 Hé’i^ d h f 'ih e ’hofrom^dppdoiiïtîiÎiùfè0^ 'raft 'heighf ’l&f* the
Wiffërs hPâ*tel that'Mbei*fês' tfiém1ft6P:ii<i®WdëaMi(.!ifî'oài: whence.
i-tffiouid'feeiihffi'OT fd ihneh thé léll Wohîd càtne in pro*
pdrtiohTUs the W o i p o f the EfecipiehYb&iniie higher 1 and. I will*
cruftl This does not; at alp
feemP®-be prbfluh^-lh éVety°pÎïibep'f6t ¿yns'fOiPe'bbtttimS no fucbt
àtûïgü ^ é b ^ W â fo . Ifé-ëiirSÎÎfei.& î ânyf iriflihm'ént whatever;;
and iü caffié^ ib e^ ili1^erp^ittfe'!::# i ib o ù i;theJë â p è o fS . George .
already mentiohcd, Îpho'Jreéfc depth o f water, there is a heap of;'
an-ctéhù urfcsp ’ ‘ fituation- fourtePii
ageï?<ftcldà:H!?.'"màûîpêf thc3f ,â§3s%&Pdlî& foattéréd, at a dif-
tanëfe foom^thè :Èrgsr Tiêàfpf tôut .t^ether-’.
their -bodymay befeen,JPid:thejè'migHt be taken up with little;
trouble and. expence.. They are above a foot, in diameter, and about
‘three feet high ; and many o f them bear the name o f the maker
■in good legible Roman letters. It feems probable that fome vef-
fel leaped with kitchen furniture has ¡been ihipwrecked there.
However the revolution, o f f® many ages has not bid them under
the cruil o f marine recrements obferved by Donati ; 11 or. does the
thjehnefs o f the orufton them exceed half an inch,„ though'they,
are epated with it both,within and, yyhhppt, 1 That crufl, therefore,
is certainly not fo imiverfal.as Ifonat-i believed, ,, pr pretended
tp. believe ; neither is it formed fo quipkly as fome perhaps
imagine,; and hence-the-rife o f the .bottom o f the fea cannot be
very cçmûderable. It is alfo probable, and agreeable to the laws
o f nature, that-the.deppfpnons o f rivers and., to^reuts^ are lodged at
no great diftancefrorp their,;mouths, from.whence enfuçs rather, a.
prolongation o f continent than any obfervable change in .the
ped of the fea> Thcie prolongations o f littoral ground vvoujd
produce, no dpupt,. A s g l £g}a quantity of, additional, matter it,
the bottom,, an .elevation pptbe levgl pf a l.ake ;, but it doe?i ngt-
nppear,to.me;th^t„eitp^rrrpr,h9,lhnthpfe:can:. havp die fame effort
•on our fea, whieh cqmmunicates with; apd is, levelled,by exterior
Waters.t Buta$ ç h f fifd fffth e leyef fince-ithe.time? o f die Ra-
mans is an indifputable fedfc,, o f which, befidesphofe, mentioned
by me, Donatihas givep m|.ny. proofs, .we. feeiu t.p. .be 'undfir_.a
neceflity o f attributing.,it.tp fome.grqater more univerfal
■caufe. The fubfidencç.p f pheearth, by which jforne, mgçnipas
men have endeaKoured..to-jexp)am,th-i|;phenqmep9Jn,• dpe^nqialhit
well -enough with jpl^pgq|Jja.lmarûhy.igrqgp.d>,; th^ ^ p fp^ k y
bottoms, tQ.admif fjifh
fipult ,to .-reconcile,thîs.^yjyith^,^ to ^çpicç.,„ 1for .e^am^e^ MaiÎ
pjujfit ^0 fqppqfed, ,<jhat ¡^^gc,,pgmaU*,3-thjH1>gh
not all, of the famq^a^e; fa p n ÿ tp c lp f'.§?uadam
■ Û P S ? .eon ” e r id rU :
. O o 2 I know