tales concerning witches and wizards are without number among
the low people, who are fully perfuaded that feveral o f both fexes
are difperfed among them. But thofe are prejudices common e-
nough in all countries among the poor ignorant people, and it.
is only in that clais. that they are regarded at Chtrfo,
Concerning the lfiand o f P a g o .
:O f the Situation o f P a g o , ■with fotne Geographical Remarks,
r -p i HE ancient geographers have left us no defcription o f
J . the ifland o f Pago; though its form, extent, and rich
produce deferved it. It is not certain that this ifland was
meant by Pliny, under the name o f Cijfa, or GiJJa, as thofe names
might equally well be applied to feveral o f the neighbouring
iflands, which are now either wholly abandoned, or thinly and
wretchedly inhabited. One o f the moft confiderable o f thefe
is Plavnich, which lies between the ifland o f VIglia and that of
Cherfo ; Parvich between Viglia and Arbe ; Dolin, extending in
length nearly parallel to A rbe; Scherda, and Mean near Pago-,
and Puutadura divided from the continent o f Dalmatia by a
nirrow fordable channel. And this fufpicion is o f fo much the
more weight, becaufe, on every one o f the fmall iflands juft mentioned,
there are veftiges o f buildings, infcriptions, tiles, and
hewn Hones, all which are indications o f ancient Roman habitations.
Among the iflands mentioned by Pliny, there is
alfo one which he calls Portunata, but cannot now be identically
afcertained, though it agrees with Pago, as well as any other in
the narnaro. However that may be, as it is very difficult
to determine the correfpondence o f names without defcription,
1 ihall content my felf with giving fome account of Pago as
it is in our days. This ifland is extended from north to fouth
over againft maritime Croatia, or the mountain Morlacca• It is
about fifty miles long; its breadth is unequal. One particular
circumftance diflinguiihes it from all the other iflands o f
the Adriatick, and is a large internal fait water lake fifteen
S s s 2 miles