filled: w ith m ilk o f various kin d s and compofitibns. In thefe
diihes, every one <jf the company d ip t his fpoon according to
hi^o^vn^pleafure} as5w«> a M q r la ck officer, ou r ho ft L u k o v ic h ,
and our guides, a ll did a t the fame tim e With brothe rly equ ality..
T h e w o rth y biihop was as we ll contented as any other o f his
brethren cou ld h a v e been at, table with all. h is -c le rg y about
h im . ,
T h e M o r la c co manner-of roafting ffieep and lambs , is very
fimple. H a v in g drawn and flayed the animal, th e y ip it it
wh ole upon ,a? large branch o f a tree cu t for th at purpofe-j w h en
a great fire is ligh ted before it , and firft the one tide, then the
other .is roafted. In their .ragouts, tgarli§k"ijmakes a lway s the.
principalnfe^fqmfig;} , and , they, have d e te fk b lft tarts.mf m ilk and
flour, in w h ic h th ey alfo p ut ga rlick ., No tw ith ftand ing all this,
I foon aceuftomcd m y fe lf fo w e ll to the M o r la c k way- o f eating,
th a t I frequen tly dined .heartily on four m i lk , ga rlick , fcallions
and bffdfpary diet;., In-a plain near
the b u ry in g p la ce , we faw the ruins o f ancient , habitations quite
deftroyed,, w h ich however appear to have belonged-to fome Rodman
fe t tlem en t .,
O f the,plain o f P a s c o p o o l i e , Eon t e S a l s a , , . the tjland-qf.-
O t o k , and'the Ruins o f the C o l o n i a íE-quens is .
T h e C e ttin a , augmented by the concourfe o f various branches
defc.ending.from the fources o f 'Jareblza., W a t t i e s w ith dignity
th e plain o f P a fcop o g lié ,, flrhich,' in. ráííí^xftáfdiis,' is fubjedi1 to
inundations*' becaufe: the river has* nddbánks,; ahd its courfe
is frequently interrupted b y millsj ’ ill contrived artificial
cuts, iflands ánd banks- of. m u d , w h ich embarrafs the
channel thus le ft entire ly tó - eventualities1.051 F o r this, and
other reafons unhappily comb in ing , th é plain o f Pâfcôpoglie,
and almoft all the fine rich vailles o f M o r la c ch ia , lie qu ite
uncultivated. W e did not' fo llow th ë ‘’ : cidurfé :‘o f 'th é î C e t tina,
but leaving it for fômëtimë, :w e ;fevF it'à rgaiìì â f t h e pàîfs ‘o f
Han, w h ere, not far from-the river, therd''isjrn.'’ fp r r f l^ 'o f fait1
water, called b y the inh&bitaftt£Zlrme-fine, ^tlîfit- feÿ'îSflt'Itôrieli;•
W e did not vifit this fpring, th ou gh w e pafled near it, not hairing
been told o f it 'in time, and purfued our jou rn e y to Otok, a
finali iiland in thè middfe'ófi:thfe’ '-ttrè in ha bitants
of-that-neighbourhood for' thè dlaîlgfêi-ér of- fevdral Mob-
lack families, w h ich had tak en ’ re fu g e 1 'thérè m the1' ÎÎfl: w a iy
and’ fô'r fometinîe’d é feh d èd ' thëmfélvcis’ bhdvéïÿV S'’T h e ‘Va'ridrfs”
branchés of* the’ *Ceî-tifid[à fè § o f ’e b if id e fit ìle dep tnT tfèïb iboWs^?
but- take up too large -afpbè’è of*f e rm ÿ g r o u n d ,?Wffitri'1flii§b’tì'Bé(i
prevented b y u n itin g them together, and ra ilin g b & k s from th e
fources’ downwards,- fo tb.at the waters,* reft r a in ed 'w ith in ’b a r - '
rower, bounds, might* paih’betwèeii' th ëh fiofihT aiw à't iifl-a
larger bôdÿr, ’ and w ith ’grèatéfWtìrceV’ ' P ro à v 'tb e in ìiSm é^ 'iw u Ì tf '
fall from rock t o ‘rock às'; far as the finali fort of^ÿhefè, iw n e re ?
they take a fmbother courfe, t ill th ey fall into the^fea be low
In ane ienr times this river was certainly n o f feffiïo^itféliy and '
fb n e g le â ed ; for at a litt le diftance- from the pifis o f Hah the
Colonia-Mquenfs flourifhed,. th ou gh n ow no v eftige .of.it remains
dilcovcrable at firft fight. T h e c ity o f Ægua/n w a s , b u ilt on -a
low h ill o f moderate extent, whiqh comm an ds, the: fine, plains |
o f Cettina, and the profpedt o f ffiat large .riv er , wfl'ich.runs mot
far from it. N o remains o f . ,anc ient:R oman buildings -are n ow ,
to be feen above ground ; but the inhabitants o f Seign dig. in
fearch o f fquared ftones,, and fometimes .find beautiful • pieces, of.,,
cornices, and other ornaments worked in the beft ta ft e ,. W e