ty r f . T he 'pteafeat!lktlc:Hv«P®C jfom iiffg a i * o f which I have
n° t hitherto been able to find ¡the name among ancient geographers,
faUsrinto tbeyha*boUey $alp9btefrp&i its extent,- o f receiving many
fmall vefloli 'fl hut in <jur days, the water is ihallow, perhaps by
the mud -and ftones brought by the river abandoned to kfelf.
Theaa^aofnt though alt cultivated,' are delicious1. The
Twk'sihaM made (alt pits ah ere; but after the country palled from
the Ottoman!yoke te th e Vea e t i a n g o vernment, they were aban-
4p0fidu o'MekihatutraGi: of*plain, whichiwas occupied by the fait
pitSa is neither damp nor unvvholeiome; and it invites fome in-
dsfeataj&apd) intelligent per/cta,. toi make! as trial how valuable
thihpsrepflialvwalip o f,itead jo in in g rivets; the fweetnefs o f the
c&Pt&flis-wMgthp pp ?ft ¡ter m th, o f , the.ihore, ¡¡might be made,
tlliw amag ■fierii Hid bns joriliuq yadj.aa .in:. 1 o' bah - 1
loQn.-the hfl&ks o f the final! liarbourof Stobraz] the veftiges o f
tip SU£^*tviraJ& ofoEfieiim are ftili diftiaguiihable; and appear
t§£fea¥g' hssnj&H&U'&fl Ablift. material s ’ ,bur without that nice con-
pSifiF5r*>.s l t e f i b n ¡the Romaa, fabricks. A fubterrane-
°(^JP%fl|g^n^lrfiWhkh thehSouth remainsfn'its primitive ftate*
ir ig fy r fM i« ' the*hnried .¡cuius.1 o f dhe'ctty, feem-s to have
fef.vatl |rt aqyjent tfrpes,. for an outlet ‘ to the waters.1 ’ Near the
P|H^tehfi|iupbii:#feiclJ,is;,a)goM Quartet;t>f a milt diftant from
th ftl# i^ fii®pMrnfopiiHw4iiribns;n£'anto.wefi3which flanked Efe-
9*u!Md£4%JbMKiithe.ve’hurohs i t fd f -is built on thofe old
h lP ib d lt fe q y , tijin't ?fjoauiJii:p/; - ri; m itigaou&'pomr/iio'
■ iiltiif oattmoiV edl hr xmnaitt
I flattered myfelF to find here fome valuable Greek infcriptions,
^ ffeiUf bed. eyery ten te r s# the ¡Village, but all
ln 'P f io lih feW ^ifmgtpentts o f fome Latin infcriptions of no
va% .f,a» 4 W?-obligedte.content.mjrietf.with copying the only
.. .¡wo*. jJtagq a . t : . one
* Xcrnovniza takes its name from Xarn, which in Illyric fignifies a mill.
one entire, which I found in the pavement o f the church. Very
probably the inhabitants, may haye concealed fome others, as they
are habitually fufgicious o f .ftrangers, and particularly o f Italians»
and indeed to tell the truth,«they cannot b e much blamed* (let
ifjjiii i-;. nbbnfiefs fevrs orl» yd tdguoid asnoil bne bum aria
The river Xernovn{zahzs hut a fihort'coilfifotifilt takes its-
fife from frnall beginning#, between ,!>y&i?rab6' and: Dubrova,
near the foot o f mount Moflor; has1 a 'fa it not {far«from its'
fouqce, then; turns feveraLmill'sj and'afBsr fecdutfef bf/ive idiiles^.
foils into the fea... i Its waters -nburifla;cvarl^y£ ofilifiih>4 o f ex*^;
quifite.tafte, and thofe o f ¡the fea alfe loverfe>! < reforts aboiith1 its-
mouth. Hence the inhabitants-of Stobr&z go* wading barefooted
in the h^fbournto ilihii. though. indeed<ift tfhghi1tat!hl!f“ t<>>
be called to hunt, as they purfue,,ftrike, and kill their game with
iron, pointed /pears, u. I refolved to go to' the finall village-of
Xernqvniza, bothr.to examine the courlc’of' this fiver, and tt>>
fee fome infcriptions,.. which I was told a t 1 Stobrez are in the
church. \ The journey-- was little; mdre than; three'miles. The
firft hill in my. way, ftopt me to ©bicrve the immenfe quantity
of loofe Nummules, which Cover the fide o f it. I collefled a good
many, perfcttly entire, and o f a remarkable fize. Some o f them
are compreffed,, and u'tfc). with the fipiral outwards fi and among,
them may be colleited ¡fragments of OJiradfesi in d roiir&tei Hei-
minthoiitbi, like the white- 'cornu ammonis,anAoi ihe feme ijie-
eies that is common enough in the argillaceous earth o f Brendola.
and Grancona in the Vicentine hills..
'.UliuUv ¡¡.no. cian.i llolyrft hefefech i
The children of the country render good fpecimens both of"
Nummaks and Helmmtbelithi fcafce, by gith^ring them for play.
They are perfeitly acquainted with .the proper time o f coHeili'ttg,;
and never fail to repair to the places where they are found after.
■ « P ... ..the