Gauntry s/van <?f ‘ ¿A,e C<z?za/ e f ' Z & r a . ■ Leotia,-rcLtsfculp.
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O f the TJland. o f U g l i a n .
The firft place, where I found myfelf at leifure to'make-
obfervations, was in the illand Uglian, in the channel o f Zara.
I ftaid there eight days; fometimes examining the itony hills,
and wandering but to little purpofe, along the fea coail, in
iearch o f fomething new; and fometimes employing myfelf in
learning a few words o f the language, which now became necelfa-
ry to me. The civility o f thofe poor illanders, rendered that fo-
litude, pleafing and agreeable to me, to which I had been led by a
certain melancholy, now become habitual. 1 wilhed to remain
a long time there, but the difagreeable circumftance o f being ill
accommodated, obliged me to abando/i that thought. The illand
is, fertile enough, and capable o f producing any thing, when the
inhabitants make a proper choice o f the foil and fituation, agreeable
to the refpedtive feeds and plants. But it is a common mif-
fortune1 to almoft all the iflands o f the Illyrian Archipelago, to
want good water, which the poor inhabitants often feel the bad
effedts of, in the hot feafon, their crops being frequently def—
troyed, and themfelves obliged to jJring. their water from dif-
tant places, or to ufe what they have, in a kind o f pits, ill.
fuited for the purpofe o f preferving it fweet..
The drefs o f the iflanders, under the jurifdiftion o f Zara, is-
very unlike that o f our peafants, refembling rather that which
is ufed by the common people, on the neighbouring continent.
T h e women, however, and particularly the young ones,, have a
kind o f drefs, with ornaments very prettify embroidered. I
thought they merited a drawing. (Plate i .)
Near the. maritime little village o f Cale, on this illand o f
Uglian, Count Therry refolved to combat with nature, and to
vanquilh her y for, in fpite of the rocky nature o f the hill, he hssaftually