Befides the petrifa&ions contained in the hard marble, and
not difcernible any other way but by the corrofion o f the fuper-
ficies, I found, in the fmall port o f San Martino, near Lojjin,
fome large fpecies o f tophaeeous done almod entirely compofed
o f nummali of all lizes, from the larged to the fmalled, but all
o f one fpecies, which has the fpiral and the divifions o f the cells
prominent on the outlide. This fpecies, which is very common
in the hills o f Cormons in Friuli, and in fome parts of the Vicen-
tine territory, has not been drawn by any body, as far as I know.
I cannot, however, affirm that it belongs naturally to the illand
o f Cherfo and Ofero, having only feen on the lhore of San Martino
fome detached pieces, which could not give fufficient ground
to fuppofe that there was a dratum o f the fame fubdance in the
neighbourhood. The nummali are quite different from thofe a-
bove defcribed •, and it appears rather probable, that thefe dones
have been brought there as ballad, either from fome place far
off, or perhaps from fome illand in the neighbourhood. And
this conjecture feems fo much the more reafonable, as there is a
great quantity of nummulari in the ¡Hand o f Veglia, near the
cadle o f Dobrigno. And here I think proper to take notice,
that none o f the fpecies o f nummali which I have feen, either a-
mong our hills, or on the other fide o f the gulf, refemble
the figure given by the celebrated Linnaus in his Amcenit. Acca-
¿emicce, vol. iv. I may even venture to fay, that this celebrated na-
turalid was midaken in believing he had found the marine original
of thefe adventitious productions o f the fodil kingdom.
T he drata o f marble breccia, o f which I took notice, in fpeaking
o f the grotto o f Ghermojhdll, are neither large nor regular, and
therefore do not deferve to be treated o f again.
O f dones, or hard fluors, fuch as quartz, crydals, agates,
flints, chalcedonies, or jafpers, nor o f mines, there is no vedige
N n n found