f 29* I
every year on wiltl roots, for want of other proviiion. All. the-
villages¡of the Brimorie-'aMa well fituatedy. and both the air; and
wateejare eKceHentwjiB^ii whiehds built oaa hill, lias its wa*
ter,from;¡acting neatuthatfea, bwHuebjgwiqs ¡the name-.of-Bajka*
veda to,a; little :gTaiip>o£.ct)«agcaron,the ihore. c About this fpot
i rdc rip tions,, andi opher ilone.s cut inianciciit. times. are, dug up,
A pilailer .that hadLeesijouiid: the*© lately furaiihed me.with'
matter, fffi^akfervHtiejint -Its jfoqfiyGdcareQus. ftone computed of
masine iriiigiiieaitis^i^etaMysofb^^r^'l; and, hones or ihells
E e frm ,p itaS e d j »■jWl}fPiiiqtt§^er,sdllat1vprobably, iafinuated.
iifelf befjbrn the.silone hecajne hardj, fes, given it.a darkgr.ey.co*
lour.: uiTIrole, wh&dtigi jipithe-pjlafe**. ®Pjjftril*ing. agaiufl; it with;
their faadesrnTeljbifcilEongiiikQli-©Evjpiteha, oand hewe .they,
brought flie todes ah jMfsdrfewerd iplintMs oft
it to b4 knocked,odj.• aqd; they fevt,out. a.very. ftrong, line]], nay./
they aduaUy exhafeitili.whenij mb .ihetoae .ag a i n f t ,
3-ww jfynedlum, has tiutf eHT moinmib regnoi u biHato;~
loT ih e^B s (¿h p tto k to ff/iih stfM u itiw : Biemova;..
awl extend ahr^longhebiM.thett&wn pflMacariltfc .always ciofe:
toithe mountain. h&d&UiftfjKeU'Berdoi,
S£ae^k,-jATiA':CtX0ia, .&om:the iw^jl^_^f-wMeh. Xmall ftreams-
ofgood, water rwo dew;»»,, -.and*, :ii't«na< ¿h^rt, courfe. fall into „the
fca. wThe.maps.-ofiiBilinaaia, ftonfoiffldoajll' the fitnations..here*
aboU'ts^iand icoirapt theMmes^Qfjiplae^SifeJlrangelyy., that-.it.
would be.tedinus tQctaks.notice ofi-jtheavihidetail,;. .^your . Lord* ■
ihip mvay morejeaiilyf e.empare, itbs^witharky: topographical map,
reitifiedytiiraayjlkyi iwt^iyifqQtialMg ^dihit/ihsie«,.,
i-ilK'thssfoaja village pf.3&^U«|)Fatb.Stfe»3^iw? ikuat.ed the-
pleafantrVtWa 0£ ,!)sbbjb.t;v,vuiyyOr,ubhUit:hj ;8;l.es,rntd, ufeful
and hofpi table pjbteftglt^unWhj# pptjRj.elyj^ath is ,:jufllK; .l.ar
men ted
[ 29.3. ]
men ted .by all who knew: hiatt ox H e Jtads iformed*. Ae~ defign v o i
reforming,, by, his own example, i the ili.undechoodihufeandryo£
the Primorians j and'Would eertaiifty haveifucSeeded.hadthssoa-*
joyed a length o f life proportioned to ¡his merit. m-Gdu.'nti.Grai'*;
bijich began byiiludymgitheJcliEnateiofithmcDuritryiiiandithje .na,-,
ture of the land,; and, in confequence' of- long. and, rcaiofied :obr
fervations had determined s m new plan of -cultivation.. »iflrhfc*
vines of his •pofleffionS5ats9Sii^%?c8l. tUe fide»t>i-'tb8ob|ite,:ewere-
raifed. three feet-front1. tbe,sig'rdtifidj0a’tAS';faft^sed.!H)iifiM<dbipoleS'
planted longitudinally,!1. like, ifesdggftp trawiheffe t&eikeireighing:,
wind,,which is the gteatumpedhnenti't&bighpl&nteti on stiii; thole:
parts'.i Gonvenient.fpaOee tetweefk' tt®rii®wiofol^ fo.winjj,
ctsMi, in.ordercto draw 'two pesdu^sioafl cfficdsfroireiit^ famb
gfound.iwi!thout exh&uiHing.Iit,. yThe:gPap®e ri.peftbdrbstee^ivwBtd'
in.greater plenty jfa 8d>ofeaJrmcare;psrfd£tup4alii^>^)satsdrthd).S'iaesr
being pruned after thaomiimei' bfiitthofeAGft-thexhrlllisoBdtaly,
promifed a longer duration, The fruit and mulberry trees were
difpofeiround th^ctfltivteedJfiaid^ofo SS ilc> t Whubt thib cQibi or.
vines by their flvi de. -l'Id!,pIa<j{ild*the'f&il.iVesiby., tl'ieEiide's)of the
paths: without, the fields, having obierved 'that theyihcceed better
there than,when furrotmdfedtbyxbtbertf'ePs,c TdieiJdfyf..wa'lls>vIs>p
which the land^ofiTi/t^iisiiMlMnediipeietahfe ttoa taeftvcdittttyed
in Tufcanyp'br. the' Wcekimei t^iidryp.ijftbiiiow'henceiiSrfo the ■
AbbexCounthad takenhisipldaghifuiied'itQ the hilish'withifour
wheels, and drawn -hy 'foiai’tjkeii^, VeryidifieMent from: thec.niaiin.er
the Pri morians, < nwhoKbiwydor3t<ih-; th© fearthi - wit hi a ivejyrr J :
plough, withoaPvVhebiip ¿ftdidiawhhy.-twb lipleianirhalhs/iiJi":
To fee-ure his experimentsh^aiifft'ali ekcepttot/, fe'haa^hoien
a fituation much exp&fed ;td'ifhH! wiridyfftibje® ft> ■b'therifdifid*
vantages-of: climate,'.1 htididf 'dh%nt»w«rd*foil} i khbwing'iveny.'