tion, I thought it a more prudent meafure to feek a larger field'
o f obiervation on the Continent, which would furniih a greater.'
variety o f matter..
The coral fiihing in our fea is carried on by fubjêits o f the
King o f Naples, who are in the lervice o f a principal, who
farms that privilege. Our iilanders, though frequently employed
in the coral boats, have not- yet been able to learn: the wonderful
art o f extraéling the coral from narrow and deep caverns
underwater. Yet certainly this art deferves particular encouragement.
Corals form a rich article o f commerce, even when
iold in its natural form ; and it is the more to be wondered at;
that the art o f fiihing it is not well underftood by the D alm a tians,
confidering how ancient the trade, o f it.is at Sibenico,
O f the Lakes o f Z a b l a c h i e , and’M o r ign è ;.
In failing along the coaft from the port of; Sibenico*
the plain,: with, ilony-lands o f Zablachie are. ieen and b e ,
yond them is the lakp o f the.lame name,, which,communicates
with the fea, by means o f a narrow artificial canal. In rambling
over thefe grounds,. I found fpontaneous maftich drops
hanging from the Lentifci, which the ihepherds have buffered to.
grow, to ihelter their, flocks in the fcorching fummer’s heat.
The lake,, before the beginning o f this age,, feryed to form very
plentiful ialt-pits ; and feveral other lands thereabouts, fubjeft
to be overflowed by. the fea,. were employed to the fame purpofe.
But now it is only a fiih pond, and o f very little copfideration,
as no care is taken to maintain and multiply the fpecies. The
only particularity, that merits obfervation, is, its fand full o f
fmall fhells, o f elegant ftrufture, perfectly well preferved, and
fometimes with the live infed. Some of thefe have hitherto