channel lefs dangerous, though by no means fo fecure as It is
beautiful to look at. There are lèverai harbours in the neighbourhood
o f the. city o f Arbe, by .which the trade o f the heft
part o fth e iflarfe isfacMitated. fiflob ;j jvs'hia ' -
qdJ bdl moil nwob rnid woadî oi gniog sëw bns^sio-r--dotn-
The cityi (lands on a rifmg ground ’between two harbours,
which, form a peniniuku it contains-about a {thoufhnd jnhabi-
•tants, among whom .aremapy noble families, bqtafbwa o f them
are rich.! .Theprincipalare th e i)« Bm in isi from which fprung
the famous Archbifhop o f Spalatro, Marc' Antonio ; the Galzig-
aa.j, the Nemira, o f wliom, in the -fifteenth century, an Antomio
is. praifed, by Pallanio F c& c v as.ahifexcfllentmathematician,
though he learned th a .fcknee of: hi mfelf, thou t , a- mailer ;
the SpaJatini, who receive freihluftre.,ftom the prefent Biihop of
Corzola,. refpedtable for his pority o f manners, no lefs than for
his learning -, and the Zndenighi. .
lo t ,Saufbmfl ermil sdî 1o a^swla lisb t nifiixiuorn ods to opt-bdj ej,
> Among, the .©.©il BemSrkahle ejjrbûtissxcf Jthe iflan4, :thti Ar-
hegiani are proud p f many; egregious reliques, .and particuWlyf o f
-the head o f -S. Griftofano, their proteftor;, but, the lovers of
fâçred antiquity will find Jbmetbing much more fingular in..the
three headsof Shadruçh, Mefliach unci A be dn ego, whiçli are. venerated
there, with great divotiotnaiFour of the.principal gentlemen
are keepers, o f .iho&nâitofyiLandita their.ncarerthe; precious
records o f the city are alfb committed. Among tbefe records
there is a tranfadion o f M X Y llI , : by which the city o f Arbe
promifes to the Doge o f Venice, Ottone Orfeolo, a tribute o f
fame pounds de Jeta Jerica, o f wrought filk, and in cafe o f contravention,
pounds de aura obrizoy o f pure gold.
H fin the laft age-there: was s.a Id^ned’ Biihop: o f ; Arhej'-•named
Ottavio Spaderiv who wduldmbbpecmit the rdiques o f S f Grifto-
fano-to be cxpofedto tbepubiick/venerafciouv wn thedolemnity o f
the faint’s day, becaufe he doubteHsfafbaheirEaiitifehitfodifyloaThe
•rnob rofe, and was going to throw him down from the top
o f the hill: on whichifh&rcathredislilftartdsiiio rcfan did th e ; thmult
ceafe after the dayiWascpaihn: sThe goveraiehtifrnf an armed veffel
to deliver the prelate from ahfedapgeanhe-was'iit-'j'¿and- the Pope
thought pipper td gimhith a more trailiaiflmfpnnfdTn Itdly.- ft
-s is leO »ib i oinolnA ’owM «oiJfilsqSlo qo.d) <.d nm A etrottwl ml;
T h e nature o f the foil o f Arbe is ¡not the.famekr every fitua--
tion ; nay it would bediificulttofind a country where there is fo
.great a variety tefo.litiksilpace. eJEheeeisha vsery’gteat difference
between the ground o f the extremity o f the mountain, above the
channel o f Barbado, and the fides o f it. bn the bne part towards
the ifland, and on the other facing the ridge' o f iMoclacea; - Nor
is the top of the mountain itfelf always o f the fame ftrudure, for
iff feme parts it is extended in a fine level plain, “partly vfbody,
ahd partly' cultivable | ;in other places it Ms Kfuite -rocky7<.and
compofed o f bare marble. The ground at the fodt o f the mountain,
where it llretches towards the ihore, ioppofite,to Jabl'anaz,
is nothing but marble-jAand, ih-the diftEid*d£Birt^09slt’ i§igra-
vblly,. and a goodifeil for>tlines.>ifcThe fm&B tfl&He^thbri'&re1 angular,
having been';aiiIittle'f®unded;byit&eitfete'§'W|iieh d'fcpofited
them's and' their; mbit ancientn,ftfatii!/g(j»i©n’(1hai?ifeiihg'iitfftder-
ground, by the 'filtration pf the faiii Mitfcp. >-!>Tlfeawir(e o f Bar-
bado is of'excellent- ¿pSaWfyi | and'-Mfi^elf' ellilmtioh fuhardly any
other product is - cul tivatedj along that tfffeS’TuCceed
fowell, notwithftanding.the negligent culture. Below the pretended
ruins o f Colento the land bears vines, olives, mulberry,
and other fruit trees, and alfo corn in the lowed: parts. All the