o f Opus,, she'; JffyggM' comeJa- numbers 'at- thefeafon of; depo-
iitiiig t-heir,ipawr); jand,i i f the people had any tolerable degree
.of induftr-y, great, .quantities,-might he. caught..;;! The boats
j y h j^ ^ q ufoonicthoi?; riyjaf: aae exceedingly fmall,
,apd Jigh^.v.fThey eajl tbemyfn^/fK'theifameimame. that; is ufed
bythe.Morlaccbi of the Ker’ka ;apd iQettina, for- their canoes.
The GiopuleJxc Zfpoit, o f iNaren.tai«.i;e rnpt made, pu.t rof one trunk
o f a. tree,, butpfijyegy thin boards j^fledjdSgethcr by .little ribs
on the.iqfide^jffheye is no-difference, between. the poop and
the r.ptpw g j both,, are ajecpr^ina^qd^t'And they, have no ¡gunwale.
'The extreme littleneis o f thefe boats, and the very fmall diftance
from the water ¡n which thofe who go in them ate, frighten a
beholder not iifed. ,to fuch a, fight. The men qfe not oars„- but
row their, fiii.dj.ivyhh cfrtain padd.les. aboijt four feet long, which
they manage fitting crofs legged like ¡the. Turks. ,
' The foil o f Nprenia, in the places that are not, conftantly
'■under water, .is .fandy^ as. muftheyhe pafg in all lands that are
frequently .inundated by,a river,, withputj-anyrhunhsj( ^ud eyepy
How and then fwelled by mountain tojrryn,t£. , T ° thefe ffiopds
the ¡Hand ofO piu , which is ftill fubjeif to. them, owes, an additional'
height of ten feet between the, Roman times and the
preient. An . excavation, made, there ip . thy, garden o f the
’Signori Ncneovich fhewed me the, different, fortifications that
have fucfceffiyei^ cohered the old eafth,. in which. a t.ten fe e t
depth, ¿re'-'found pieces "o f broken..-glafs,,..end«, o f Roman
'kitch'in' utenffls. Ye t the"ifland, inotiyithft^ding, being
thus, raffed, is not cultivable every ryv here* many .places- remaining
marfhy, though they might bq drained, and rendered
ufeful without much difficulty,, The .great abundance
that the Narentine land yields o f ev,ery kind o f product., might
Annulate the inhabitants to become induftrioush if-their laminéis
were not infuperable, which is- probably a -confequence of the
grofs air that lurroundî and, oppreflcs them. Herbage Of all
forts, indiaitcoMi, 'Whestbi andioliues’ in paftîéulhr; fllCceéd1 1 to
a wonderful degree'j and mulberry trees Hie1 in à few ÿëare tefea
furprifing luxuriance, and ' the #lk^Wdrms-ihàtJ feqd •’ orí,£thém
make very fine filk." The -vines, alofie do not thrive wdly %na,
¡indeed}‘.t e t i a woaâèrhtheÿ fgriSftf'ait'aft, '’,i 8',tn ^ fq n s 3nI1^ ¿ íy
year fo'-long'under'Watêr’.o'èipëcîalîÿ fh thd!plain'Deí&é'éri {he
two rivers- oppoíite to MdrcovuiW}1 'S’1 ‘vilfagfe ''welt' inhabited by
healthy, 5 laborious and brave périple;1 :
Notwithrtsnding the fertility b f thé'fóíl, ‘and*the' convenience
o f the fituationm regard to'the trade wîth Türkeÿ/’ ’tliè'ternto-
ry of Narenta is'-verynhîffiypedplëdf à ri d - Vcrÿ ’ îi t tïer frequented
by fea-fareing people, who dread the efFeds o f the air, from
Vvhich, perhapsf is defived'thè qualification o f Niret-yaod Boga
frocletd, “ ‘Na'ffcrita CUrfed'by God ; ’ which is become a proverb
in Dalmatia:-' T he celebrated Dr.’ Giufeppe• Pujpti, who
died a profeflbr of phyfick in the uriiverfity o f Padua, publifhed
á'treatife de morbo Naroniátio, which is enough , to frighten any
0'tie who had£a taind to'go therq, 'ëfpëcially in autuAn. . Y ç t 'I
wàs hdtuallÿ' thefë in'tíie' mbntfi di Oaobçr, "ííaid fifteen days,
arid by means’b f Very'fiiripleprecautions 3eparted.in good health,
'together with all'nip b'óat's'crew, who had labbufea,,yery hard
in Coming thither. Thé water, . that ftaguates in, fame nkçes,
’becomes peftilehtial to'fuch a degree, as to Jciíí the fifh that
fwim in it j'. arid Pujaü'áíTúfés'us, that tne( birds tliat frequent
marihes, Of which there áre many thereaBoutsi often fall down
poifoned by the' deadly exhalations, He reckons the Narentine
'autumnal fevers à ipbriies' Or plague very difficult to cure,
shffiimrh S s 2 Every