foundation, and more 'frequently multiplies its effodh, by pro-
greiîiçe tiÎtèations, through» cdnbeailed crevices and chinks o f the-
mktmle, ‘till^'kt laftvthë'à'pp'àrfeht èdhtinhity is divided. Sometimes,
the thaifes tlîkï'fa}!' doWlÎi, ëit;Heruih cohfequence o f the-
tatit ahd fôhg ebrmfioh'o'f Ihe waters, <kv by the too manifeit
fh'ock o r earthquakes'; are o f enormous bulk, and deceive hafty
obfervers, who aÆLh o t ’aWa#e;b f bhb revblhtkm.' It.'mayalfo,
happen, that large pieces o f the hill, tumbled from above, may
rèitiaiti-Snni1atedl,3'àitétithé tieftiudiionofthe ftrata from Whence
they Wèré'fëpàFatèdÿJ asfii in fabh à tk&kkil eye well experienced
ib«bfefVStfod3É<requifite'to dlfebveb-’al Ârffiiight from whence
t t e ^ ê 'â ^ / r i^ J^âÎÏ‘,'ageSi 'ihèaàaVailié'0thé;mfelvës o f the va~
cUi-ties left i n '»the rock AAiiSsfbrifeàliîtatibifS;1“ Ihbt-ting bp the:
Î^Nàft’4 )ÿi«ga^^ri^AS'4i€^!«l^^MÊidb8g:fia%ftiStons ate thofe.
rndfked e -v.n» s-fit boiiOt shiîsI Wpe :v
The whole body of the. hill,, which ferves for a Bafe to: th e
iiiif8teîfemimîti'3bliçdefbf®bdj< alF'kl^l^, still beaches the fea,
iksgf a fubftahce » % different from: the cbteitnoh Dalmatian and
Mfkrbnferbiej it refeÉbhlëà tfee'"a%iU3cééhs'èarthiof thé internal,
pàrCoï thé »hills; ! Which ôverl oo'fc the TfeS"cbàlï ‘o f th e Cajlelliat
TiaoteiTfeb famegràb-^aftce’ prevails, ündëPÎM inarble ftrata,,
alLtheiseayijftigmiZirà to th e foitrçk b fd p d a fe y that. is,, for a
tradt o f a -lmhdred and fiftetn miles, in a right line, expofing
itielfito wVÎebk m various platies, towards 'the fea, - and iometimes-
fariajodfiderable^aceQ wherliverithe ihteiiob pàbts o f the hills
arevdifcovèredi-eiiThuSiricertaiMypany^aïi Wéuldbe very much
deceived;; whoi:believed,1 that‘1§ Ifttia; ‘ Morlkech-ia,, Dalmatia,
“ Albania; andfome other bordering countries within land, as
‘ the rocks, iflands,--aficP bottom o f the fea, are all
“ formed o f one foie mafs o f an opaque, almoit equally hard,
Mi* -n - g HE « whitiih
** whitiih marble o f the fame grain.” * Proceeding fq rw a rd b y
water, i t is evident, that,: even .alcmg ,tjhe / P f , tb$ t t iw i s
o f the mountains appeat;,. in f o / J ? ? , p i e c e s ^ i t d n j p
lefs com p a& i and imtniepfp ffrata. o f ,m^bJe»>ny9fy„diffet£Ati
from the common, whitiih, kind, are feen ; hclides. mailes, pad,
lefs extenfive tradts o f fand ftooc, and o f marble eftimabje.; fpir
the fineaefs o f its texture, op y a r i e ^ q f x ^ u r ^ ofjw t8« v ls1d-o
: te l Jmtrt ,0;d edt lo aeasiq sgral teAt bneqqsri
Perhaps the -denomination o f Jlrata is, notvvery well,,;adapted-
to fuch vague, and irregular divifions, as., thofe reprefented. in
PI. X . and therefore ! yyilh.mjke ^ e ;iSfjiiBpthefk)W§tdWclb#r
pleafes me better; altho^ghsJffiRdiifeb^j^ifisdBSbry expreiTioa;
o f perpendicular- Jtr-ata',' Wkidhvhasrissfi asf manifefoyimp.]ji(3$iibi*:
along with i t , confecrated hy.’tbe prifieipal.pryctoiQgjkal.Wiiiiersd
The term p f wins feems to me the proper appellation in ■’ the,
•prefent cafe.
. jf 10I aeviel db.idw ,!lid »At Jo ybod eiorfw ariT
Notwithftanding | th e . bafe o f the ftrata, g>fl inferior, : divifions-
reprefented in this plate, is coaflantly o f argillaceous earth, yet
the modifications Suddenly differ , fo much, that they, delerve-B.
particular and ^autp,esamjpatieaiiTHTljb>ihwlipe.d iveiin ’QQiis;
o f lenticular grey ftope <?r marble,- ofa^ae/grain»; divided into
pieces, which takc^s gOpd a polilh a?; a n y o^r.rfijdski^oMsmaifc
hie. In fadt, the fuhftance o f this ftotne perfedlAyica-lcarediis,
being entirely.compafeiiicf r.marinedbibl b o d i e s .T h e divifions,
D-DDD are veins, ofv^jgrey ¡ierruginp.hs ®at,tqr,;;r.ftfemhlmg ,tb®.
whetftone, without appearance - of marine. hbdieste ilfca>lpiece
o f thefe veins,, the, epatinuity o f >whidf fi«i divided into fmaM.
lhreds, be taken from its., natural pofition, and examined^ lying
■ -i -lib lo moubdihsc*c*hns£li. «aioo. erii hotiam *'
» : ■;a;, ffoink c3«pB:,o os. lo alsR* sfo). ecy to bssxisol "
* Sfggu di/hrla naturals dtlV Adriatic^, p. viii.