ikeleton found at ’Qzrby i ' Happelius relates at large the difcover.y
o f another human ikekton made at A ix in Provencej both
■arc encruflcd with ftajactites, and perhaps by (he work o f art; their,form, and
the whitenefs of the calcination, are exaflly preferved ; in (hort they are per-
fe£ny thera
djhlapidia, md pum i oatutx ¿pus, 'meaning the ttattirdiniinJiHis. 5That good
.father, .v^horhadfSlbilifirefolurit^.-aflidstiry, .¡^rfalenpr«<pSifiiei.for an obfarver,
f a r r t r A t , t r o u g h yp.auffe .af^qpquated .j*y_fick*-K,-and
^ P } f lae, f evily/phenomenon by ..the'barfiarous jargoq o f the fchqqis.
thud have'ftudtetf ulahier Sf lM M j B w prejulcel, and"
was deprived b f the good bobks of/dfeigtvobfervefs, wfttWtin’his tithe'Were held
rn abhonei* e at ;Rp,st) hasfilleci KaMehzlbthem Itmuaud^iCkv/rUChid things:
l ie talks, in ibat,-work,, o f ¿offM boaqs aq.qf.«atmdnpri,{u3m s q f the fuhtefra.-
8ro>vn under grounJ in thedark^by ¿eans o f tk‘„e x p ^ tp ^ fi j&p
Jn-imfivejirmsi ¡m c o n a t io n that would Ycatcely be fufferabiem the mouth of
afcholattic'friar, or a country turate. Hoppelim, though fie lived before''Mer-
uni's tin»i, did. ncit call in queftion the truth o f the human ikeleton, i-found fibkr
Ai^ih;Proyejvcey...the hopes qf which became duft when easpofed to< the air and
^ . b« iM ,w g e change^.tor a.kind of e a k e ^ j in .p ^ ^ i t j y f a w y , ^ # the
luh \ to,a fniarf'number, and M. t e Voljaire, who chufes to
apyear^ond, forhis''ahiufetnent, is'too reafonable'to befenoufiy o f fuch an obi-
nibn. -¿The ahtrdjSolrte o f Gefner, o f which'we read the ftory in the treatife de
pitrifipatprum triginikui, is the work o f a few gears', and not :W be compared to
tbe./q£|iLibc^es..qf Dalmatia, Jferliaps o^t/iejcyjehrated grotto oft ffauma»«,
..are equally j'ancieqt.i oy thofe iq the'great cavern o f
Scbartzfeld of Hertz j or thofe ’ whidh the famous M. Cuatard, prince o f the
French naturalifts, difcovered in the diflria of Eftdmpes--, thofe obferved by M.
JJcaniiis, in the chafms o f the mineral mountain o f Taberg, in Sweden or thofe
whjch¡are foundxizpp.CmJiadp, .iliuftra/ed b y DavidSpleifs.jp hjs Oedipus Ofleo-
litMoguus%r ln jhe^V.erqnefeJlifls, ,befides the famous ikeleton o f the deer
*lH.a found thofe of various other animals. In'iirragoni near' the village of
//«¿¿hi, there is a prodigious' quantity. In Tufcany.'the cardafles and bones
o f elephants found buried and petrified under the hijls, are ( well known. I f
M , Robirnt had adverted .to all thefe inftances, he prqbabjy would not have faid
that nature wa? ftudyiqg the prqjea of making man, when the formed thofe prl
gapifed bodies, which in time became pe‘trifa£ttoni.
SpKeuchzer, and Kircher, fpeak o f foflll bonès o f the fame fpe-
oies with ours : but the greateft part o f thofe pretended carcaf-
fés and hopes may be fubjedt to doubts. I f even all the foflll'
bones mentioned by various- authors were really human, our II-
lyric bones would not be lefs worthy o f particular confideratiorr,
as they far exceed all hitherto kpp^.n, by the.patura.Ufts in pee-;
fervation, frequency, and quality, ,In_ our, journeyoven the ifland.1
o f Cherfo and Ofero, which was-’ rathef fomewhat hafty* we
could, in feveral places, caufè them to be'dug up unde foPr
own eye. There are two different heaps, on the ifolatedand
defert rock o f Gutim, thpugh we were told only o f one o f them
on the fpot, and did not find the other; a mile from Gutim, at
z place called Platt, on the ¡¡land o f Cherfo, other heaps are feen.
We found them* as I obferved already, in the caverns o f Ghér-
mojhall, and at Porto-Cicale, in the poil o f Vallijkall, and at Bal-
-uanida, on the other fide o f the lirait, not far from LuJJin pic-
ciolo. From thence palling over to*the finalb iflandeaWtA-Gani-
dole picciola,. and Strncane, in the language o f the Country,1 we'
difcovered two large heaps ; afterwards, we went over to the-
fmall ifland o f Sanfego, about eight miles diflant from Luffm
picciola,. and were ihewni--at- z diftance, the place where th e y
l a y , at-the-foot of- a hill o f fand, o f which thé ifland ïé'Cbni^'
poled, and o f which I ihall fpeak more at large. Though thé
foil of that ifland is very far from Being ochreous or irony, yet,
there alfoi the bones are wrapt in their ufual martial lapideous
earth,' and accompanied with ilones and fplinters o f marble.
T h e fame characters accompany the Illyrick bodes over all the;
iflands, and along the coafts of Dalmatia, where the mariners
ufe to fee them* frequently, and where they were obferved by
the above mentioned VitaHano Donate, in the feveral' voyages he'
wade from '1743 'till 1748. ' Mr. Martin Thomas BrunnichV